hello, we are a startup dedicated to developing premium, natural, and sustainable cosmetic products that promote healthy skin and hair. we are currently seeking reliable suppliers of high grade safou oil a unique ingredient known for its nourishing and antioxidant properties to incorporate into our hair and skin formulations. our product range includes hair conditioner gels, hair growth creams ...
Advertiser from etats unis
voici une proposition d annonce professionnelle pour votre besoin :
avis de consultation : transport maritime de bauxite
description du projet :
une entreprise minière basée en guinée recherche une compagnie maritime expérimentée pour assurer le transport de 200 000 tonnes de bauxite à destination de la chine.
détails du projet :
quantité à transporter : 200 000 tonnes.
point de ...
Advertiser from France
nous passons par ce canal vous annoncé que nous somme a la recherche des distributeurs agree capable d'acheter et revendre dans sa zone géographique qu'on lui a accordé pour nos jus d'ananas et ses cocktails à 100% naturels sans ajout d'eau sans colorant ni additifs fabriqué en rep du benin
pour tous besoins veuillez nous contacter ...
- a négocié
- Packaging :a negocier
- Quantity :100 tonnes par mois
Advertiser from Benin
recherche partenaires distributeurs pour profilés en aluminium avec tout accessoires garde corps en alu et verre systeme coulissant slim accordeon nous représentons gc aluminium, fournisseur basé à casablanca, maroc, spécialisé dans la production et l exportation de profilés en aluminium. nous proposons une gamme complète de : garde corps (tout en verre et aluminium inoxydable) sys ...
Advertiser from Morocco
à la recherche d'acheteurs d'icumsa45 partout dans le monde, je vends des produits fiables fas/cif de sandos brésil. je peux également organiser l'approvisionnement en métaux : zinc, minerai de fer, etc. quantité minimum ic45 12 500 mt/mois, jusqu'à 75 000 mt/mois x12. seeking buyers of icumsa45 anywhere in the world, i am selling reliable product fas/cif from sandos brazil. also can arran ...
Advertiser from Monaco
we are a company that imports agricultural products, and we are looking for producer and seed company partners to offer your products on the french market. grain sorghum, silage, sudan grass hybrids, early sun oleic express sunflowers, alfalfa, ... with papers for sale in france, certificates ocde?etc... ...
- Packaging :CIF
- Quantity :25 tons
Advertiser from France
hellowe are a food company specializing in canned and cooked disheswe are located on the french west coast in the department of vendée (dpt 85) we are looking for a supplier of dry red beans (150 to 250 grains per 100grs)our annual volume is estimated at about 200t and we usually deliver in full container (about 22t)our next need would be from the end of january and we would be ready to reserve se ...
Advertiser from France
hello dear i am a private financier of business and investment i finance private investments and i make private loans private financial of business and investment i finance private investments and i make private loans private financial of business and investment i finance private investments and i make private loans e finance projects
bonjour cher
je suis un financier privé d'affaires et d'in ...
- 10.000.000
- Packaging :Non
- Quantity :Oui
Advertiser from Cameroon
looking for serious buyers for gold worldwide buyers only serious no agent and especially not intermediaries thank you to contact me in priver so that we can discuss your purchase proposals by various possibilities brinks to brinks and other consult medirect mandate with serious partners curious and false buyers abstain strongly because we verify by a dd tres thorough ...
- Quantity :10
Advertiser from France
i would like to import dry salted fish from portugal or any other place of your convenience to pointe noire ( congo brazzaville ) . could you please provide me with the following information :
1. i understood that you have only 2 types of products suitable with the congolese needs : morue and colin . could you please confirm this ?
2. how many packing boxes of 9 kgs could you accommodate in a ...
Advertiser from Congo
we are a moroccan company looking for a supplier of cashew nuts, and we want to start with purchasing 1, 000 kg of ww320 or ww240 as a sample, for a long fruitful business ship
nous sommes une société marocaine à la recherche d'un fournisseur de noix de cajou, et nous voulons commencer avec une commande de 1 000 kg de ww320 ou ww240 comme éch ...
Advertiser from Morocco
particulier confectionne a la main des sacs uniquement avec des perles a main, des bracelets , des chaine, des chapeau tout genre avec des perles, je recherche des clients pouvant mettre en valeurs ma créativité, je suis aussi en quête de marché a l'international.
pour tout commande veuillez me contacter sur whatsapp ...
- Quantity :une centaine d'accessoires disponible
Advertiser from Ivory Coast
j'ai mes propres coopérative de cacao, hévéa, anacarde je peux fournir jusqu'a 2500 tonnes
je recherche des clients ou des partenaire en europe ou je vais exporter mes produits ou bien un partenaire avec qui je vais m'associer et mettre sur pied ici a abidjan une société dans ce domaine.
au plaisir de vous recevoir ici en cote d'ivoire. ...
- Quantity :2500 tonnes
Advertiser from Ivory Coast
j'ai mes propre coopérative agricole de cacao, hevea et anacarde.
je recherche des partenaires financier occidentaux qui vont acheter mes produits
ou des partenaire avec qui on va s'associer et installer une société dans ce domaine ici en cote d'ivoire, je suis ivoirien et je serai ravie de vous avoir comme partenaire dans ce domaine. je parle le français. ...
- Quantity :2500 tonnes
Advertiser from Ivory Coast
we are a large manufacturing company seeking a highly motivated commission agent to sell our products in large quantities, including spaghetti, couscous, pasta, wheat flour, and juices. if you are interested, please contact us.
nous sommes une grande entreprise de fabrication, à la recherche d'un agent commissionnaire motivé pour vendre nos produits en grandes quantités, y compris des s ...
Advertiser from Libya
hello everyone! for those of you finding vanilla buyers looking for a fairtrade certificate. you can call me, because our cooperative has a fairtrade certificate. ...
Advertiser from Madagascar
nos granulés sont destinés au chauffage domestique grâce leur meilleure qualité correspondant aux standards européens .
ils sont caractérisés par un pouvoir calorifique supérieur à l’ordre de 5 kwh / kg , une faible teneur en cendres <0, 7% et une faible teneur en humidité ne dépassant pas 8%? les granulés ont un aspect compact avec une surface lisse et brillante, la couleur est claire liée à l ...
- 150
- Limit :Europe
- Quantity :10
Advertiser from Algeria
hello, i am the sales manager of the company, we are based in mauritania and we do in the import export of agri food products and we would like to know if possible what products you are exporting in order to create a channel of collaboration and to make you discover our local market which is in full development, we remain available for the future, thank you cordially sales manager
Advertiser from Mauritania
a mining company which is reopening in the production of gold per day varies between 3 and 3.5 kg in need of an investor to link a win win partnership the total amounttherefore they need amounts to 525 million cfa francs this company is also in good standing in accordance with the law it has an operating permit it also has a license so do not hesitate to contact us for more information thank you. ...
Advertiser from Burkina
recherche une raffinerie de jet fuel a1 pour un contrat de livraison sur 24 mois à raison de 4 000 000 bbl/mois
une icpo avec tous les détails sera adressée à un fournisseur sérieux (raffinerie) ...
- 72 US Dollars/bbl
- Quantity :4 000 000bbls/mois x 24 mois
Advertiser from Tunisia
investing in fish farming is a profitable and essential activity for our countries in africa in view of the quantity of tonnes of frozen fish that our countries import each year, sometimes tested not in conformity with consumption.
any investor wanting to make income should be interested in this area of activity
we provide you with suitable sites, a qualified workforce and ...
Advertiser from Cameroon
investing in fish farming is a profitable and essential activity for our countries in africa in view of the quantity of tonnes of frozen fish that our countries import each year, sometimes tested not in conformity with consumption.
any investor wanting to make income should be interested in this area of activity
we provide you with suitable sites, a qualified hand work and ...
- Limit :Monde
Advertiser from Cameroon
nous disposons une quantité importante d'huile de palme prêt à écouler sur le marché international. nous recherchons des sociétés qui utilisent l'huile de palme dans la production de leurs produits. on est prêt pour un contrat récurrent. on vous livre de façon périodique. ...
- Quantity :100 tonnes
Advertiser from Benin
are you in search of high quality gold with impeccable purity? look no further!
we are pleased to announce the availability of 50 kg of gold with a purity of 96%, located in tanzania. this exquisite gold is ready to find its new home with a discerning buyer like you.
quantity: 50 kg
purity: 96%
location: tanzania
1. submit a letter of intention (loi) in th ...
- Quantity :50kg
Advertiser from Norway
je recherche du riz thailandais: thai white rice 100% et thai hom mali casse 100%.
le conditionnement sont des sacs de 25kg ou de 50kg. ...
- Quantity :1,5 tonnes
Advertiser from United Arab Emirates
product: gold bars / nuggets barre d'or / pépite.
origin: africa (in priority), ...
purity: to determine in %
quantity: ....kg/month or bi weekly.
packing: boxes.
contract duration: 12 months with rolls and extensions.
terms of delivery: full cif hong kong airport.
price: competitive.
payment terms: dlc non transferable, indivisible, transfer full payment via mt 103 immediately after ...
Advertiser from France
we are looking for thermoforming filling and sealing water cups machine . nous sommes à la recherche d'une machine de thermoformage remplissage et de scellage d'eau minérale en gobelets ...
Advertiser from Senegal
we are in search of a reliable supplier for carmel almonds, size 23/25. we intend to order a quantity of 4 tons for a delivery to villetaneuse, france.
product: carmel almonds size 23/25
quantity: 4 tons
packaging: 50lbs boxes
price: must not exceed €5150 ddp per ton
delivery conditions:
delivery location: villetaneuse
terms: l/c paiyments only
we are looking f ...
- 5150/MT
- Quantity :4
Advertiser from France
proud to be able to say that now our business is based on 202 years of experience in the food trading business in the 5th generation and a long family history going back to the year 1643! in 1822 the first food rohner trading business has started and since then the businesses has always become more globally.
our mission continues to bring customers and suppliers together and assist our trading pa ...
Advertiser from Spain
• product: unroasted coffee beans (see photo for specifications).
• origin: no importance.
• packaging: tba.
• quantity: 50, 000 mt per shipment (annual contract)
• payment terms: 100% dlc irrevocable, indivisible, non transferable (supplier will give 2% performance bond of contract amount).
• price: please quote usd / rmb price based on cif china. competitive price.
• loading port: tba .
Advertiser from France
i represent creval sas france and i am currently looking for potential partners to supply our products. your company has attracted our attention, and after examining your range, we are interested in a possible collaboration.
here are our contact details:
we'd like to find out more about your product range and discuss the terms of a possible supply partnership. could you send us ...
Advertiser from France
on m'appelle mihaye ayefounin moretis ceo de treize market sarl benin je suis à la recherche d'un fournisseur d'huile végétale cp 10 destination togo lomé
quantity 2000 tones par mois
vous pouvez me contacter
- 400$
- Limit :Chaque mois
- Packaging :CIF avec Block Fund ou SBLC
- Quantity :2000 tones
-To see the brand, you need to be a member
Advertiser from Ghana
nous sommes à la recherche d'un fournisseur de noix de pécan enrobé de dubaï ( pecania, pecanille) enrobage au caramel et chocolat, à prix attractif.
livraison vers la france, livré en vrac.
quantité en fonction du prix.
we are looking for a supplier of coated pecans from dubai, caramel and chocolate coating, at attractive prices.
delivery to france, delivered in ...
Advertiser from France
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