EspaceAgro selleco
grossiste farm

Annonces de Grossiste Farm

Client EspaceAgro
AUTRE  fr   653527. SISAL GROWING TECHNICAL EXPERT EXPERT SISAL |  grossiste conseil et formation  06/09/2024 16:59:32

nous sommes à la recherche d'une expertise technique pour un projet de production du sisal we are looking for expertise for developping sisal farm merci /thank you (...) ...
Annonceur de Benin

Rubrique : conseil et formation | grossiste conseil et formation | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Benin
VENTE  fr   653464. Soya Bean Meal For Animal Feed |  grossiste aliments pour animaux  06/09/2024 08:25:54

we are suppliers of best quality brazil soybeans meal and looking for serious buyers in need of our products, contact with us for more details. soybean meal is a type of protein rich animal feed that is made from soybeans. it is commonly used as a source of protein for farm animals, such as poultry, pigs, and cattle, as well as in aquaculture and pet food. soybean meal is produced by cr (...) ...
Annonceur de Belgique

Rubrique : aliments pour animaux | grossiste aliments pour animaux | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Belgique
Client EspaceAgro
VENTE  fr   652479. Live Goats, Cows, Sheep, Chickens In Stock |  grossiste animaux vivants  28/08/2024 19:23:37

we have different variety of livestock and poultry products available for sale directly from our farm.very healthy and pure breed animals , 100% pure bloodline and upadted on their shots and medical records.we have different species of sheep, goats, heifers, cows and bulls.we have the following available; pure breed boer goats milking alpine and saneen goats kalahari red head goats an (...) ...
Annonceur de Royaume Uni

Rubrique : animaux vivants | grossiste animaux vivants | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Royaume Uni
Client EspaceAgro
VENTE  fr   626209. Fresh Brown/White Table Eggs, Farm Chicken Eggs |  grossiste viandes et oeufs  26/12/2023 09:29:09

fresh brown/white table eggs, farm chicken eggs name: fresh table eggs shelf life: 6 months length: 45 cm color: white & brown size: small, medium, large.extra large weight: ranging from 45gms to 63gms packing: 30 eggs are packed in each chemically treated paper pulp tra shipment: 20' & 40' high cube reefer containers all fresh chicken eggs, brown, white table chicken eggs of dif (...) ...
- Quantite :500000 Tons
Annonceur de Royaume Uni

Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | grossiste viandes et oeufs | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Royaume Uni
Client EspaceAgro
VENTE  fr   575404. African farm Products |  grossiste autres  09/12/2022 00:45:59

je suis dans l'importation d'une large gamme de produits de la terre africaine (fruits, céréales, huiles, etc) entre le bénin, la guyane et la france. je ne fais pas encore de gros volumes car la confiance dans ce domaine est primordiale. au plaisir de discuter et de faire affaire avec vous. commençons petit, avançons lentement mais sûrement (...) ...
Annonceur de Guyane-francaise

Rubrique : autres | grossiste autres | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Guyane-francaise
ACHAT  fr   574664. Agricultural Products |  grossiste fruits et légumes  03/12/2022 16:04:15

a company having widespread business network to satisfy clients. being a multi commodity trading, we are serving number of industries from our main branch in turkey, brazil, south africa and usa. as a quality conscious firm, we believe in staying focused and then communicating with the clients. we stay determine to give you maximum satisfaction through quality services. owing to the timely com (...) ...
Annonceur de Allemagne

Rubrique : fruits et légumes | grossiste fruits et légumes | grossiste farm | grossiste farm allemagne
Client EspaceAgro
VENTE  fr   562149. Egg Grading Machine, Calibreuse Des Oeufs, Coreen |  grossiste viandes et oeufs  12/09/2022 17:51:10

machine manufacturer looking for local dealers. for small size farm. up to 20 000 eggs per day. (...) ...
- From 6000 usd.
- Quantite :Capacity 10000~30000 eggs
Annonceur de Coree

Rubrique : viandes et oeufs | grossiste viandes et oeufs | grossiste farm | grossiste farm coree
VENTE  fr   533925. Import-export And Marketing Of Fresh Fruits And |  grossiste fruits et légumes  03/04/2022 10:10:34

our products : with a production of over 50, 000 tonnes of fruits and vegetables, we offer you a wide range of choices with fresh products intended for export. our products are picked when ripe, packaged and shipped the same day in the harvest, limiting handling. we harvest the size and color of your choice and ship directly from the farm to the customer without intermediaries. tomatoes (...) ...
Annonceur de Maroc

Rubrique : fruits et légumes | grossiste fruits et légumes | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Maroc
VENTE  fr   526380. Recherche De Client |  grossiste fruits et légumes  18/02/2022 11:09:01

we are maroc force development a company specialized in the export of fresh and high quality fruits and vegetables to all over the world. we pack and transport fruits and vegetables with the highest quality, food safety and traceability to the source. we market fresh quality products according to the season at attractive prices. morocco development company offering fresh oranges from our (...) ...
Annonceur de Maroc

Rubrique : fruits et légumes | grossiste fruits et légumes | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Maroc
AUTRE  fr   520515. Fruits And Vegetables From Africa Fresh |  grossiste fruits et légumes  13/01/2022 17:23:56

looking for long/short term partenaires i'm supplier from africa i can supply fresh fruits and vegetables for reasonable price also i do live from and make videos for farm first ! (...) ...
Annonceur de Maroc

Rubrique : fruits et légumes | grossiste fruits et légumes | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Maroc
ACHAT  fr   398696. ORANGES ET CLEMENTINE |  grossiste fruits et légumes 

dear all, we are an import and export company based in mauritius; we export in the indian ocean where we have 28 shops in mayotte. our clients in mayotte, longoni and french countries would like to get some fresh fruits such as apple, oranges and mandarine from fruits farm. • oranges valencia eu1 c56/64/72/88 • oranges valencia eu2 c/64/72/88 • oranges navel c64 • oranges navel eu1 (...) ...
- Quantite :1 TC
Annonceur de Maurice

Rubrique : fruits et légumes | grossiste fruits et légumes | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Maurice
VENTE  fr   271982. Organic Fertilizers (vermicompost) |  grossiste chimie additif engrais 

organic fertilizer is using in open and protected agriculture, on private farm holdings and in cities by community facilities for restoration of lawn, ornamental trees and bushes vegetation. it is also using under the following cultures: grain, leguminous, industrial, feeding, vegetable, fruit, berry and flower crops. organic fertilizer is suited the best for application in countries o (...) ...
- 100 $/tonn FOB
- Restriction :The minimum lot is 3000 tons (one ship)
- Conditionnement :bulk goods
- Quantite :3101000000
Annonceur de Russie

Rubrique : chimie additif engrais | grossiste chimie additif engrais | grossiste farm | grossiste farm Russie
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