EspaceAgro selleco
grossiste slaughter

Annonces de Grossiste Slaughter

Client EspaceAgro
VENTE  fr   152127. Ligne Abattage De Poulet |  grossiste matériels machines 

poultry slaughter line, capacity : ± 1.600 bph for soft scalding description : one (1) slaughter line, eready for operation capacity • 1.600 bph for soft scalding at 52°c during 150 seconds • 2.600 bph for hard scalding at 60°c during 90 seconds the slaughter line is directly available and can be inspected in our warehouse in the netherlands. including : • complete overhe (...) ...
- Conditionnement :La ligne peut etre inspecter au magasin a Pays-Ba
Annonceur de Pays Bas

Rubrique : matériels machines | grossiste matériels machines | grossiste slaughter | grossiste slaughter Pays Bas
AUTRE  fr   161173. Live Cattle For Breeding, Fattening And slaughter |  grossiste animaux vivants 

we are looking for a partnership/ clients in north africa to establish export of live calves, young bulls for fattening and slaughter and pregnant heifers from eu to tunis, algeria and morocco... (...) ...
- 2700 euro /tonne
- Quantite :50
Annonceur de Pays Bas

Rubrique : animaux vivants | grossiste animaux vivants | grossiste slaughter | grossiste slaughter Pays Bas
Client EspaceAgro
VENTE  fr   121810. Livestock, Cattle, Sheep Milk Cowas And Sheep |  grossiste animaux vivants 

we are exporters of livestock like, beef cattle slaughter, for fattening limousine, charolais, also sheep and lambs merino, also best breed of milky perganand heifers. please, contact with excact specifications and quantity. (...) ...
- 500
- Restriction :sanitary
- Conditionnement :FOB
- Quantite :1500
Annonceur de Espagne

Rubrique : animaux vivants | grossiste animaux vivants | grossiste slaughter | grossiste slaughter espagne
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