EspaceAgro selleco

Holstein Heifers Cattle Aberdeen Angus - Royaume Uni

Holstein Heifers Cattle, Aberdeen Angus - animaux vivants we are the largest beef and livestock exporter and wholesaler giving service to the biggest fattening farms and food companies - retailers,  producers and manufacturers worldwide. --we can offer the following; --- pregnant holstein heifers cattle--- angus cattle--- australian bradford cattle--- brahm
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°603874:   06/07/2023 08:23:43
we are the largest beef and livestock exporter and wholesaler giving service to the biggest fattening farms and food companies retailers, producers and manufacturers worldwide.
we can offer the following;
pregnant holstein heifers cattle
angus cattle
australian bradford cattle
brahman cattle
limousin cattle
chinese black and white cattle
english longhorn cattle
fighting bull
milking devon cattle
red angus cattle
ukrainian beef cattle
fattening beef bulls
belgian blue
aberdeen angus
simmental beef cattle
and many others.
interested parties please contact
Conditions tarifaires : 550$ per head
Restrictions : Texas
Quantite : 7 tons
Prix : 550$ per head
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  the most effective and trust worthy supplier of quality branded goods with the best customer service any immporter would seek.
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