EspaceAgro selleco

Live Sheep Goat Milk Powder 100% Pure - Royaume Uni

Live Sheep & Goat Milk Powder 100% Pure - animaux vivants 1.goat milk produced fresh from our own goat farms. --2.we are the largest goat milk producing company in our region. --3. we supply live sheep in bulk at best competitive prices from our own goat farms.----goat milk powder--specifications--1.100% fresh milk spray dry powder--2.additive free--3.anti
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°604689:   13/07/2023 07:58:58
1.goat milk produced fresh from our own goat farms. 
2.we are the largest goat milk producing company in our region. 
3. we supply live sheep in bulk at best competitive prices from our own goat farms.

goat milk powder
1.100% fresh milk spray dry powder
2.additive free
3.antibiotic free
4.pure natural dairy
5.excellent nutrition for infants and elders healthy protein
the goat milk powder is produced from chilled fresh goat's milk in 24 hours, only water has been removed. the goat milk powder can then be reconstituted in water to produce a crisp and wholesome drink that provides the unique nutritional benefits of goat milk. 
composition of goat milk was discovered very similar to human's milk. therefore from the view point of nutrition, it is perfect for infant formula, growing up and kids, and it is also useful for aged digest.
Restrictions : Rotterdam
Quantite : 10000 MT
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