EspaceAgro selleco
argile poudre - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierargile poudre

argile poudre Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr   507301. Rhassoul Ghassoul poudre/powder Export |   Producer other  19/10/2021 21:12:54

english/french/arab since 2012 we have exported rhassoul / ghassoul / moroccan lava clay to clients in europe. we are searching for new clients for our line of products. we are currently selling the following rhassoul products for export: depuis 2012, nous exportons du rhassoul/ghassoul/argile de lave marocaine vers des clients en europe. nous recherchons de nouveaux clients pour notre gamme de ...
- 1.6 euro/kg
- Limit :No geographical limit.
- Packaging :25Kg bags/sachet
- Quantity :25 ton
Advertiser from Morocco

Category : other | Producer Morocco |  
Selling  fr   290281. Green, Yellow, Pink Clay In Powder For Cosmetics. |   Producer stone rock 

we can supply all quantities of green, red, yellow, brown and pink clays. all these products are ours and directly from the source. nous vendons l'argile verte en poudre pour l'industrie cosmétique. notre produit est tunisien de bonne qualité avec possibilité de fournir les bulletins d'analyse pour les clients sérieux. ...
- Quantity :15T
Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : stone rock | Producer Tunisia |  
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