EspaceAgro selleco

Charbon Du Kazakhstan - France

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°571221:   10/11/2022 09:08:48
je propose la fourniture de charbon. quantité 135000 tonnes. chargement port fob en estonie. le prix est de 316 euros la tonne.
fluorine in dry
fluorine in air dry
fluorine as received
h.g.i. at 6.02 % residual moisture
: 6694
: 6265 kcal/kg : 5574 kcal/kg
fixed carbon in
fixed carbon in
fixed carbon as
: 50.8
: 47.8 % : 42.9 %
date : our ref. : material : lot : ex : port : sampling date :
21 october 2022
2210392ee – ee2210001
sillamae, estonia
19 october 2022
sampling of coal was carried out in accordance with i.s.o. standards.
total moisture
inherent moisture
surface moisture
: 15.5
: 5.9
: 10.2 %
iso 589
iso 11722
iso 1171
iso 562
iso 1928
iso 1928
iso 19579
iso 17246
astm d 4208
astm d 3761
astm d 409
: 6943
: 6533 kcal/kg : 5871 kcal/kg
: 0.44
: 0.41 % : 0.37 %
: 0.07
: 0.07 % : 0.06 %
: 50
: 47 ppm : 42 ppm
: 48
certificate of analysis
ash in dry
ash in air dry
ash as received
volatile matter
volatile matter
volatile matter
gross calorific
gross calorific
gross calorific
: 7.8
: 7.3 % : 6.6 %
in dry
in air dry
as received
value in dry (qv)
value in air dry (qv)
value as received (qv)
: 41.4
: 39.0 % : 35.0 %
% %

ultimate analysis
page 2
astm d 5373 16
carbon in dry
carbon in air dry
carbon as received
hydrogen in dry
hydrogen in air dry
hydrogen as received
nitrogen in dry
nitrogen in air dry
nitrogen as received
oxygen in dry
oxygen in air dry
oxygen as received
: : :
: : :
: : :
: : :
72.40 %
68.12 %
61.18 %
5.08 %
4.78 %
4.29 %
1.69 %
1.59 %
1.43 %
12.59 %
11.83 %
10.64 %
1330 °c
1390 °c
1420 °c
1450 °c
1460 °c
1490 °c
1500 °c
+1500 °c
56.06 %
25.05 %
6.93 %
2.73 %
1.35 %
1.46 %
1.47 %
0.11 %
0.87 %
0.54 %
2.55 %
0.88 %
100.0 %
33 mg/kg
<0.70 mg/kg
0.016 mg/kg
ash fusion temperature in reducing atmosphere
initial deformation : softening : hemispherical : fluid :
ash fusion temperature in oxidizing atmosphere
iso 540:2008
iso 540:2008
astm d 6349
astm d 5016
astm d 6357
astm d 8213 d
in house
astm d 6722
astm d 4749
initial deformation
ash mineral analysis
silicon dioxide
aluminium oxide
iron oxide
calcium oxide
magnesium oxide
sodium oxide
potassium oxide
manganese dioxide
titanium dioxide
phosphorus pentoxide
sulphur trioxide
: : : :
: : :
trace elements
sizing test:
1" :
+ 4 mesh :
+ 18 mesh :
+ 35 mesh :
35 mesh :
3.7% 19.2 % 24.2 % 34.5 %
9.0 %
9.4 % 100.0 %
issued for and on behalf of,
incolab services estonia
Conditions tarifaires : 316 euros la tonne.
Restrictions : Union européenne
Conditionnement : en masse
Quantite : 135000 tonn
Prix : 316 euros la tonne.
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