EspaceAgro selleco

Brut D’Or Classic - Autriche

Brut d’Or Classic - boisson alcoolisée brut d'or classic is complex,  with notes of citrus and white flowers. elegant and soft in the mouth,  the palate is long and harmonious with a pleasant and tasty finish. this prestigious sparkling wine reveals a real personality and is sheltered in a bottle more refined,  to accompany you in your grea
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°398864:   21/01/2020 23:12:47
brut d'or classic is complex, with notes of citrus and white flowers. elegant and soft in the mouth, the palate is long and harmonious with a pleasant and tasty finish. this prestigious sparkling wine reveals a real personality and is sheltered in a bottle more refined, to accompany you in your greatest moments.
Conditions tarifaires : 9€ bouteil
Quantite : illimiter
Prix : 9€ bouteil
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