EspaceAgro selleco

Watermelon Morocco - Maroc

watermelon morocco - boisson alcoolisée we are a moroccan company of import-export of fruits and végétables ,  we will begin to export from the second week of april our watermelon ,  produced in the region of zagora in the southern morocco ,  a product known by henceforth by high quality and excellent taste. so we are looking f
STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°200585:   28/05/2015 17:21:30 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

we are a moroccan company of import export of fruits and végétables , we will begin to export from the second week of april our Watermelon , produced in the region of Zagora in the southern morocco , a product known by henceforth by high quality and excellent taste. so we are looking for customers who would optionally interested in this product.

Conditions tarifaires : 500
Restrictions : watemelon
Conditionnement : packing big box 450 kg7-12kg
Quantite : 500
Prix : 500
Précisions indiquées
we are a maroc company established in morocco in we export a wide range of fruit and vegetable with a high quality and a good price if you are interested please dont hesitate to conact me we sell: potato, carrot, water melon, tomato, cherries, sweet pepper, pear, melon..and seafood frozen canned..

Pays: Maroc
Type activite: producteur
Capacite indiquée
10000 tons
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