EspaceAgro selleco

Coconut Water And Coconut Milk - Royaume Uni

Coconut Water and coconut Milk - boissons non alcolisée 100% pure coconut water extracted from young coconuts of organically cultivated coconut groves in the tropical sri lanka. a popular beverage for its remarkable rehydrating and antioxidant properties,  coconut water is also known to support heart health and preventing kidney stones. it is also known t
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°643526:   03/06/2024 10:08:29
100% pure coconut water extracted from young coconuts of organically cultivated coconut groves in the tropical sri lanka. a popular beverage for its remarkable rehydrating and antioxidant properties, coconut water is also known to support heart health and preventing kidney stones. it is also known to free radicals which are unstable molecules produced in the cells during metabolism, remarkably helping with the production of cells due to stress or injury. due to the growing demand worldwide, agro one supplies usda organic and fair trade certified high quality coconut water year round.

excellent beverage (natural) for rehydration.
ideal source of electrolytes, such as potassium, sodium and manganese, which makes it a perfect drink after exercise or during mild illness.
perfect solution for cocktail and mocktail mix as well.
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