EspaceAgro selleco

Exclusive Distributor STINGER BRAND - Turquie

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°519256:   06/01/2022 12:46:41
greetings from istanbul/turkey!

kh group int proudly presents;
stinger drinks®, whose motto is healthcare & wellness!

introducing stinger drinks®, well known in turkey, which is healthy due to its unique bottle design and the element of fun when opening its bottle.

stay healthy even when you drink too much stinger drinks® products.

stinger drinks®, which adopts human health as a motto and diversifies its energy drink, malt drink and carbonated soft drink products with different flavors every day, is one of the leading brands of the world in this field.

stinger malt drink is making a big revolution in the world of health, sports and beauty with its miracle ingredient that has multidimensional benefits in skin, bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, hair, nails, intestinal health and many more.

as kh group int, we will continue to offer our brand new products under the stinger drinks® brand by working harder and without compromising human health.

distributor marketing support:

please click on the web link to view the presentation on our various promotional plans.

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