EspaceAgro selleco

Healthy Innovatory Food - Tunisie

healthy innovatory food - boissons non alcolisée we produce organic aloe vera , juice or gel ,  natural or aromatic with pomgranate or green tea,  there is even gellule,  our objective is to prevent health and to assure well being,  by producing extra virgin olive oil tunisian high quality we contribute on the effort made by many structures to ensure g
Client EspaceAgroAUTRE  N°138433:   28/11/2013 12:05:40
we produce organic aloe vera ,juice or gel , natural or aromatic with pomgranate or green tea, there is even gellule, our objective is to prevent health and to assure well being, by producing extra virgin olive oil Tunisian high quality we contribute on the effort made by many structures to ensure good life to we try everyday to innovate and to develop new products such as aromatic 100% olive oil we have many flavors : garlic, basil, pepper, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine, orange, pistacio, hazelnuts, almonds, coconuts,vanilla, rosemarywe are also developping beauty and skin care products made with aloe vera and olive oil.we are searching agents all over the world , and are able to give good commissions for experimented representatives.we also make the service of "turnkey project" for who wants to have his own project without having a factory , so we make the design, we chose the packaging, we produce for and we can even help him to commercialise his are welcome.
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