EspaceAgro selleco
brazilian soybean meal - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food supplierbrazilian soybean meal

brazilian soybean meal Ads

manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Selling  fr  282635. Brazilian Corn And Soybean meal |   Wholesaler feed 

hello. we are pleased to introduce our offer for corn and soybean meal from brazil. direct producer, we have the possibility to offer you large quantities with competitive prices. we mainly supply ogm products, but depending on availability, we can also supply non ogm. the packing will be done in bulk, but we can propose for example the big bag (provide extra cost). we can provide sto ...
- Depending on the duration and quantity of the con
- Packaging :in bulk (or big bags)
- Quantity :30.000T minimum (spot ou contrat annuel)
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