EspaceAgro selleco

Cocoa Beans Cocoa Powder Cocoa Butter - Royaume Uni

Cocoa Beans, Cocoa Powder, Cocoa Butter - café cacao thé we are an international export trading house,  engaged in the procurement,  import,  sales,  and export of fast moving organic non-gmo consumer products,  seafood,  potatoes,  tomato paste,   seeds,  cocoa beans,  soybean,  broad beans----   fast-moving consumer goods,  confectionery,  milk powders,  sugar,  food
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°608250:   12/08/2023 08:04:35
we are an international export trading house, engaged in the procurement, import, sales, and export of fast moving organic non gmo consumer products, seafood, potatoes, tomato paste, seeds, cocoa beans, soybean, broad beans

fast moving consumer goods, confectionery, milk powders, sugar, food and beverages products, pellets, pallets, animal feed, herbal products, and food ingredients . we have the best facility centre for sorting, cleaning and grading of all products so that we can make sure that product meets all international standards. we ensure that the packaging of the goods is done in such a manner to preserve the highly delicate products for a long time.we are dedicated to fulfilling the commitments given to our clients across the globe and building long term business relationship
Conditions tarifaires : 1200
Quantite : 25000 tons
Prix : 1200
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  the most effective and trust worthy supplier of quality branded goods with the best customer service any immporter would seek.
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