EspaceAgro selleco

Cocoa Coffee Among Others Agro From Brazil - Bresil

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°574781:   04/12/2022 16:38:56
our company is selecting potential buyer of cocoa, coffee and others organic / biologic food.
we are overseas a brazilian company focused on business development and commercial represenative of manufactoring companies and agro producers
we are based close to the biggest coffee region in brazil and one of the most important in the world alta mogiana and southern of minas gerais.
we have established partnerships throughout the coffee chain that allow us to source a wide variety of green coffee beans, pick and ship it to you.
we can also supply certified organic products.
please let us know if you are looking for any products or services that we can provide and we will be happy to send you a quote and even form a long term partnership with your company.
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