EspaceAgro selleco

Commande De Blé - Tunisie

STATUT NON DEFINIACHAT  N°80146:   11/05/2012
Quality specification
test weight …………………………………………………………………78 kg/hI, mm.
falling number in sec …………………………………………………….280 300 mm.
moisture content …………………………………………………………..13.5% max.
protein on dry basis (n x 5.7) 12% mm.
total impurities……………………………………………………………..5.5max.
foreign matter (sand/stones/clay /chaff/metaletc)…………………………0.4% max.
kernel heat damage ………………………………………………………..0.3% max
total damage excluding heat damage kernel……………………………...1% max.
broken and shrivelled grain ……………………………………………….3% max.
grains&seeds of other crop………………………………………………...0.6% max.
weed seeds…………………………………………………………………0.2% max.
ergot if any……………………………………………………………… 0.02% max.
wheat should be of latest crop
wheat should be with natural colour and odour.
grains of wheat should be mature and sound grain.
wheat should be free from alive insects and spiders or their fragments, in their different phases.
poisonous and harmful seeds (max.0.01%)
foreign matter (animal origin ) max .0.1% rn/rn on condition that the complete dead insects max. 3 pcs./kg
metal contamination should not exceed the limits
herbicides,pesticides residue should not exceed the limits
poisonous fungs (fusarium ) max. 0.5%
wheat should be free from alive and dead rats and agro diseases.
wheat must not be modified genetically.
total aflatoxin (bi, b2 + gi + g2 ) max. 4micro gram /kg in condition that bi toxin max. 2 micro gram /kg.
vomitoxin max. 500 micro gram /kg.
ochratoxin .... max. 5 micro gram / kg
dioxin max. 0.2 nano gram / kg.
radio active elements as per libyan limits which are as follows:
ceasium …………134 137 30 / bq
* americium ……...241 nil.
* plutonium …….238 nil.
* plutonium …….239 nil.
* strontium………. 90 nil.
free from alpha and beta rays.
the wheat should not be delivered from countries infected with avian influenza.
the cargo must be rejected at loading port in case of the inspection and / or the analysis reveals an increment above the allowable limits stated in the specifications.
allowances and tolerances
* deficiency in protien 1 .5 % maximum is accepted on the basis of ( 1 — 2)
* excess of impurities 3 % max accpeted prorata ( 1 — 1)
* deficiency in test weight ( 2 ) kg / hi max accpeted prorata ( 1 — 1)
* deficiency in falling number 50 sec. max . accpeted on the basis of 0.5 % for
each 25 sec.
Conditionnement : a voir
Quantite : 7000 tonnes par mois
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