EspaceAgro selleco


NON OGM CORN FROM BRAZIL - céréales we are the world leader in the sale of corn. based in brazil,  we are representatives of the major corn producers in the country and currently have large quantities of maize at unbeatable prices in the world market. please contact us promptly for this big liquidation. we only provide quotation at the
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°302445:   27/03/2019 16:51:36
we are the world leader in the sale of corn. based in brazil, we are representatives of the major corn producers in the country and currently have large quantities of maize at unbeatable prices in the world market. please contact us promptly for this big liquidation. we only provide quotation at the reception of the loi because we do not have time to waste with adventurers.
thank you.
Conditions tarifaires : prix en fonction de la quantité
Quantite : Quantité illimitée
Prix : prix en fonction de la quantité
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