EspaceAgro selleco

We Needs Buyers Rice Basmati And No -basmati Fr - Maroc

STATUT NON DEFINIVENTE  N°466774:   09/02/2021 21:40:28 Marque visible ZONE MEMBRE

about us !
a business entity manufacturing and exporting basmati and non basmati rice produced and processed / ground in pakistan.

our vision !
our vision is to promote quality and standard in accordance with international food safety protocols. we take care of all parameters in terms of
production, quality, packaging of field rice grains with a fork to best serve humanity.
we do not compromise our quality parameters in any way.

message from the president!
the general manager and the president of the company issued a special message to our customers;
what we offer!
we offer basmati and non basmati rice (white, brown, parboiled
and steamed rice) with the best quality shown below;
1 super kernel basmati rice (white)
2 super kernel basmati rice (brown)

figures / statistics for 2019 20!

total production 18000 m / t

annual turnover: us $ 11.66 million

our brand having a vast experience of over 20 years, we have the capacity to supply 3000 metric tons per month. we
have different buyers from different countries.our buyers are from african and european region
our brands!
we have our rice brands registered and we offer our brands to our customers for sale in their regions / countries. the following are our trademarks;
private label offer!
we also offer private labels to our customers which, if they want us to pack the rice in their tape named wrapper, we do it according to the requirements of our customers.
Quantite : Grand quantite
Précisions indiquées
Je suis un apporteur d affaire j ai un reseau relationel important dans plusieurs pays..des acheteurs des fournisseur ..

Pays: Maroc
Type activite: courtier
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