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citron vert - Purchase sale, salesman, producer, manufacturer, food suppliercitron vert

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manufacturer producer supplier wholesaler

Buying  fr  577696. Research For Suppliers |   Agent aromatic spices  29/12/2022 23:18:47

we are looking for serious producers and suppliers of cocoa beans, raw cashew nuts, dried pepper, penja pepper and lime, capable of supplying large quantities. recherche fournisseurs : cacao, noix de cajou, piment séché, citron vert. contact us ...
- Packaging :Jute bag packaging / FOB
- Quantity :100 MT min.
Advertiser from Guyana French

Category : aromatic spices | Agent Guyana French |  
Buying  fr  453641. Citron Vert (Lime) |   Agent fruits and vegetables 

i'm searching for buying lime (green lemons) in senegal. interested in buy in large amounts and in proper packaging. ...
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : fruits and vegetables | Agent Senegal |  
Buying  fr  416369. Epices/Spices |   Producer aromatic spices 

bonjour, je suis a la recherche d'une entreprise ou quelqu'un qui peut me fournir des "épices" (tout type): cumin, paprika, fenugrec, oignons secs, persil, coriandre, curry, feuilles de menthe sèche, graines de sésame, citron vert séché, fenouil, cayenne, cannelle. cardamone, safran, curcuma, tumac, poudre d'ail, pour n'en nommer que quelques uns. veuillez m'envoyer ce que vou ...
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : aromatic spices | Producer Senegal |  
Selling  fr  267584. Fruit Et Legumes De Mexique |   fruits and vegetables 

bonjour, nous sommes importateurs et brokers des fruit tropicaux et légumes mexicain pour europe. papaya, mangue, citron vert, avocat, oignon blanc. hi we are importers and brokers of mexican fresh produce, ranging from tropical fruit to vegetables. we specialized in avocado, papaya, mango, limes, berries. we have global gap certifications ...
- a discuss
- Quantity :10 tons +
Advertiser from France

Category : fruits and vegetables | France |  
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