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Other  fr  639968. Concombre De Mer |   Producer crustacean shell  30/04/2024 22:31:02

découvrez l’exotisme de l’océan avec nos concombres de mer en provenance du sénégal. récoltés avec soin dans les eaux pures et riches en nutriments de la côte sénégalaise, nos concombres de mer sont un trésor de saveurs délicates et de textures succulentes. parfaits pour les amateurs de fruits de mer et les connaisseurs exigeants, nos concombres de mer sont une invitation à un festin exquis et r ...
- Quantity :5 tonnes
Advertiser from Senegal

Category : crustacean shell | Producer Senegal |  
Selling  fr  559019. Epices, Acajou, Gomme Arabique, Fruits, Poivre... |   Wholesaler roasted seeds and nuts  23/08/2022 21:35:53

fournit pour les acheteurs: les epices, les noix de cajou, le poivre de penja, plusieurs variétés de piment, le concombre, l'arachide, la sesame, l'ail, les avocats, d'autres fruits frais l'huil de palm et le coton.  ...
- Negociable en tone
- Limit :L'Afrique entière et L'Amérique du Sud
- Packaging :Meilleur conditionnement expédition rapide
- Quantity :100000 tones
Advertiser from South Africa

Category : roasted seeds and nuts | Wholesaler South Africa |  
Other  fr  496949. CONCOMBRE DE MER, SEA CUCUMBER, HOLOTHURIE |   Producer fish 

achat et vente de concombre de mer sea cuncumber holothuraians bêche de mer l'holothurie blanche à mamelles (holothuria fuscogilva), holothurie noire à mamelles (holothuria whitmaei), holothurie anana (thelenota ananas), holothurie de sable, holothurie a fourrure, pearsonothuria graeffei holothurie rayée, curry fish, sand fish, prikly red fish, dried sea cucumber white teat fi ...
Advertiser from France

Category : fish | Producer France |  
Buying  fr  483191. Concombre De Mer |   Producer other 

i am looking for suppliers of sea cucumbers. i'm currently based in cameroon but ready to buy from anywhere in africa. prices are negotiable but good from 250usd to about 300usd per kg. ...
Advertiser from Cameroon

Category : other | Producer Cameroon |  
Selling  fr  466942. Concombre De Mer à Vendre |   Producer other 

concombre de mer séchée au soleil a vendre, je cherche des client peu importe le pays. je suis prés a exporté la marchandise suivant les adresses fournies. ...
Advertiser from Haiti

concombre  Category : other | Producer Haiti |  
Selling  fr  409270. Abalones, Boutargue,Sea Cucumber concombre Mer |   Wholesaler crustacean shell 

at unbeatable prices. from the depths of the atlantic ocean and mediterranean sea, very carefully, our divers collect wild abalones and sea conucombers. in this context, we are looking for partners who are working seriously in the shellfish trade to build a solid partnership. ...
Advertiser from Tunisia

Category : crustacean shell | Wholesaler Tunisia |  
Selling  fr  377113. Sea Cucumber Sun Dried, Concombre De Mer |   Wholesaler fish 

we are looking for customers interested in sea cucumber sun dried .. and we give him good prices..  ...
Advertiser from Mauritania

Category : fish | Wholesaler Mauritania |  
Buying  fr  298829. concombre De Mer Séché Ou Bouilli |   Wholesaler fish 

concombre de mer séché ou bouilli trestresorcanadainc we are looking for seafood especially sea cucumbers on a long term basis. we are well established company in canada and has a branch office in asia. would like to discuss and business proposals . fully integrated suppliers of meat and seafood from all over the world, proudly delivering to the marketplace a broad variety of the centre of the ...
- 1000 €
- Limit :non limit
- Packaging :non
- Quantity :one ton
Advertiser from Canada

Category : fish | Wholesaler Canada |  
Buying  fr  227753. concombre De Mer |   Producer fruits and vegetables 

i can supply great deal of sea cuncumber. those whom are interestd can contact for any detail, i will be available at anytime. feel free to send me an e mail for pictures and samples. friendly ...
- Limit :aucune
- Packaging :port de dakar
- Quantity :2 tonnes/mis
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Advertiser from Mali

Category : fruits and vegetables | Producer Mali |  
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