EspaceAgro selleco

Crayfish From Germany; Edelkrebse; Flusskrebse - Allemagne

STATUT NON DEFINIAUTRE  N°253703:   09/10/2016 12:49:50
the leptodacylus astacus crayfish is one of the first class products for fine cuisine in the world. with his special flavour, ranks high as a rare delicacies in the gourmets gastronomy.
the taste of the crayfish depends of the clear water another big factor is that the crayfish grows up without auxiliary nurturing.
the crab meat is low fat and very protein yielding.
our crayfishs are daily fresh fished and sent to you within a day and alive.
15/25 pieces per kg
Conditions tarifaires : 11€/kg
Restrictions : We can deliver 24h overnight 24/7
Conditionnement : High quality packaging, temperature-protected
Quantite : 100-1000 kg
Prix : 11€/kg
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