hello dear partner,
i am ready to supply you with quality good organic fruits and vegetables based on the quantity and type of your demand. please let me know about any amount you want. you have to make sure that you're taking fully care of your product transport and condition till it reaches your address. you also need to know that payment is made first before getting hold of the product.
best ...
- Price to be discussed
- Quantite :10 tons onwards
Annonceur de Mali
nous pouvons vous fournir les produits bio africains suivants :
• savon noir africain naturel (naturel complet 1kg)
• savon noir africain naturel (saveurs mélangées, moins de 1kg)
• beurre de cacao alcalinisé
• poudre de cacao alcalinisé
• gel d'aloe vera naturel
• aridan naturel / prekese (tetrapleura tetraptera)
• huile d'avocat
• fruit d'avocat
• huile de baobab
• poudre de baobab
Annonceur de Burkina-Faso
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