nous sommes fournisseurs des produits bio à 100% naturels
miel pure,
amlou avec argan et miel
huile d'argane pour norritures
des produits cosmitiques d'argane,
huile de figue de barbarie ( a la demande).
notre plaisir et votre satisfaction, le cas échéant serez rembourser.
Advertiser from Morocco
the natural argane oil that we produce is purely natural and made by women working on our cooperation without inserting any chemical or fabricated substances. benifits of argane oil are widely known. you can order a small amount till you test our product and trust us then you can order voluminous amounts. our cooperation is ready to export its products worldwide. customers will first get the order ...
- 1600
- Limit :Products can be sent all over the world
- Packaging :boxes
- Quantity :50 litres
Advertiser from Morocco
je suis exportateur des matiers agricole rare au monde et qui sont cultivées dans la region du sud du maroc taliouine comme: safran huile d'argane et figuier de barbarie transformé en huile et confiture. ainssi que exportation de maroquenerie et cuir tannées. ...
- 3 euro le gram
- Limit :au monde
- Packaging :dans la boite
- Quantity :1 kilos a 8 kilos
Advertiser from Morocco
we are manufacturers of argan soap with 3 lines of complete finishing soap packed and we are seeking partnership investors or distributors for export organic certified argane soap without any synthetics and chemicals additives...
we are able to do also private label manufacturing contract. ...
- 5$
- Quantity :100000 TONNES
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Advertiser from Morocco
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