EspaceAgro selleco

Recycled Plastics PP - France

Client EspaceAgroACHAT  N°157307:   03/05/2014 23:12:04
Dear Sir and Madam,

We are looking for suppliers of recycled plastics for a Vietnamese factory that produces packaging (bags of big format) PP for packaging fertilizer, urea, cement ...
Normally, these containers are made from PP plastic raw materials in the form of virgin pellets , the manufacturer adds other elements to reduce production costs.

Currently, this manufacturer is looking for sources of recycled plastics, ie manufacturing scrap plastic have been transformed once from virgin granules .
These plastics can be manufacturing scrap (waste plastic parts ) at the end of the production:
1 . plastic objects
2 . plastic medical devices such as syringes sting , vials and infusion tubing ...

(I ) So, the sources of recycled plastics ( manufacturing scrap plastic objects ) in the manufacturing of plastic items and plastic medical devices of interest.
(II) The objects in recycled white plastic are also possible. These are great waste PP bags already used for packing sugar, fertilizers, cement..

We would like to import 500 tons each month (Price CIF port of Vietnam – Hai Phong city), with a multi year contract .
In addition, sources of recycled plastics at reasonable prices also would interest other manufacturers of plastic products in Vietnam that have a very important need in recycled plastics.

We remain at your disposal for further information.
Thanks for sending us your offers by email.

Conditions tarifaires : 325 USD/tone CIF port HaiPhong-Vietnam
Restrictions : Non
Quantite : 500 MT/month
Prix : 325 USD/tone CIF port HaiPhong-Vietnam
Précisions indiquées
Nous sommes une société franco vietnamienne dont le siège social est basé en France. En partenariat avec les premiers exportateurs de produits agricoles et agroalimentaires du Vietnam, pays considéré comme la « cuisine du monde », nous vous proposons des offres de produits très compétitives et aux meilleurs rapports qualité/prix dont riz, noix de cajou, poivre, manioc, produits aquatiques et fruits de mer, café, thé..

Pays: France
Type activite: groupement
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groupement recycled plastics |  recycled plastics | sources plastic granule pellets plastic bags pellet granule medicalraw sugar infusion containers plastic packing big bags pellets granules fertilizer packagin pellets a granules granule plasti pellet packaging white sugar granule plastic rice vietnam pp granule plastic recycle sugar pp granules e p s scrap pp recycle white rice vietnam rice vietname de granules the vietnam material pp pe recycle pellet vietnam pe pp recycle the infusion king s trans inter plastics raw sugar granules pe pp plastic ap medical vietnam pellets granules fertilizers plastic waste plastics recycle co packing recycle granule granule recycle bag plastic recycled plastic scrap scrap plastic pp bags raw product plastic pellets plastic packaging white cement fertilizer urea plasticgroupement containers | groupement le son ble | groupement fertilizer | groupement packaging | groupement container | groupement infusion | groupement pellets | groupement medical | groupement plastic |groupement eau sources France | groupement containers France | groupement sources France | groupement granules France | groupement pet recycled France | groupement recycled France | groupement cement France | groupement urea 46 France | groupement pellets France |

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