Other N°542412:
04/06/2022 12:44:16
we are a malagasy company that owns a seventy hectare ylang ylang plantation in nosy be and a distillery factory.
our plantation is located in the north of the island. we have a river that provides our water needs and a maintained and replanted forest that provides our wood needs for distillation.
we distil our own production of flowers from more than 13,500 trees planted between 2010 and 2015
for reasons of fee budgets claimed by the certification bodies, we have not had our production certified, which is however perfectly organic because we do not use any fertilizers or chemicals on our plantations.
in the event of a commitment to a large organic order that would cover our investment, we would initiate the certification procedure without any problems.
our production capacity is currently more than 600 kg of oil per year.
we offer totally pure and natural quality oils.
our current stocks are over 300 kg and we are looking for manufacturers or distributors in europe and the united states.
for any contact on site, the headquarters of our company is in tananarivo near the colbert hotel and we can of course show you around on the island of nosy be our plantation and our distillery facilities.
. we take care of the fob of our shipments and of course make available to our customers the analyzes and samples of our oils.
Quantity : 300 kg