EspaceAgro selleco

Hieneken Beer RedBull Bottles/Cans Wholesale - Royaume-Uni

Hieneken Beer & RedBull Bottles/Cans Wholesale  - boisson alcoolisée heinekens beer from holland--packing- 250 ml bottles and cans--best quality from holland--affordable price--heinekens--packing- 250 ml bottles and cans--best quality from holland--affordable price--quick delivery----heinekens beer from holland--packaging---250ml bottles and cans--24 bottles per cart
Client EspaceAgroVENTE  N°620675:   13/11/2023 09:47:10
heinekens beer from holland
packing: 250 ml bottles and cans
best quality from holland
affordable price
packing: 250 ml bottles and cans
best quality from holland
affordable price
quick delivery

heinekens beer from holland
250ml bottles and cans
24 bottles per carton
26 pallets per 40'fcl
91 cartons x 24 cans of 250ml per pallet
2366 cartons per 40 ft. dry container.

available in cans and bottle (250ml, 330 ml & 500 ml) . ready for international shipping with competitive price.
container 20 feets can fully loaded with:
2, 240 cartons x 24 cans and bottle (330 ml)
1, 520 cartons x 24 cans and bottle (500 ml)
1, 010 cartons x 24 bottles (330 ml
250ml bottles 24 bottles per carton 26 pallets per 40'fcl 91 cartons x 24 cans of 250ml per pallet 2366 cartons per 40 ft. dry container.
Conditions tarifaires : 10$
Quantite : 40000units
Prix : 10$
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