Buying N°233437:
02/04/2016 11:57:41
The company has three different production lines and factories.
1. Oats peeling factory located in Sevilla. This is why we are trying to contact your company because we need to buy 1.000 tons of oats for peeling. target 550 kg/m3.
2. Petfood factory (located in Talavera de la Reina). We normally buy the following raw material : Lineseed, Yellow and red millet (now we are buiying in Ucrania), canaryseed, hempseed, and also Naked/peeled oats.
3. Also we have a soybean meal production / soy oil extraction near to Sevilla and we are looking for soybean for our production. We need about 7 10 containers per month.