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Basalt Fertilizer SNOEK Or Rock Powder - France

STATUT NON DEFINISelling  N°414910:   17/04/2020 11:53:53
basalt fertilizer
recover the use of basalt fertilizer based on basalt powder and basalt flour with earthworm humus for the complex. they rebalance soils, regenerate depleted soils, raise defenses and harvest quality, improve compost, fight pests, or contain the smell of manure. it favors the remineralization and improvement of soils through the contribution of the minerals that make up the rock.

rock flours facilitate the absorption by plants of the nutritive elements contained in the soil, combining with the nutritive particles to feed the roots. this phenomenon prevents the impoverishment of the soil by the rains by taking the nutritive elements in depth, in areas inaccessible to the root system.

rock flours participate in the formation of the clay humus complex , the basis of soil fertility, a powerful soil regenerator. therefore revitalizes soils depleted by chemical and monoculture treatments. the clay humus complex results from the combination of organic substances, mineral particles and micro organisms. micro fauna, micro flora and earthworms participate in its formation by its action on flour.

in organic agriculture these are some of the properties of ground basalt, a stable volcanic stone that, reduced to dust, is widely used and successfully within biodynamic agriculture:

1 basalt is exceptionally rich in magnesium (basalt powder naturally contains more than 8% magnesium). this element is essential for plants and for photosynthesis since it is the main constituent of chlorophyll.

analyzes show that most soils have magnesium deficiencies. this deficiency is very disturbing since it is repeated in human food (magnesium is essential in man for his physiological balance, for his nervous health, to combat fatigue; it is the reason why numerous medicines, based on the magnesium, are currently for sale). before stuffing yourself with pills, it is preferable to treat the problem at its base and enrich the soil in magnesium by basalt.

2 basalt is rich in trace elements. the fundamental role of trace elements and their importance for health are now known worldwide. as with magnesium, it is essential that man find them in his diet. for this, it is necessary that the plants develop in a soil rich in these trace elements, which are also essential for their own vitality. basalt is also a valuable resource here.

trace elements are called essential elements for life that intervene in very low doses in living organisms. an example among many of the importance of trace elements is given by cobalt in the life of the earth: there are bacteria in the soil capable of fixing nitrogen from the air; for this, these bacteria must absorb tiny doses of vitamin b12 made by other bacteria also present in the soil. to synthesize this vitamin b12, these bacteria need cobalt. life is very complex and this complexity is not respected by chemical products.

3 basalt facilitates the absorption by plants of the nutritive elements contained in the soil. this property is due to ion exchanges whose description is outside the scope of this document. let's just remember that basalt combines with nutritive particles to feed the roots. this phenomenon prevents the impoverishment of the soil by the rains by taking the nutritive elements in depth, in areas inaccessible to the root system.

4 basalt is a powerful regenerator of soils, it participates in the formation of the clay humus complex, the basis of soil fertility. therefore revitalizes soils depleted by chemical treatments and monocultures.

the clay humus complex results from the combination of organic substances, mineral particles and micro organisms. micro fauna, micro flora and earthworms participate in their formation by their action on basalt.

5 basalt, under the effect of various physical chemical factors, slowly transforms into a very high quality clay from the agronomic point of view.

6 animals that live in the soil and in particular earthworms digest basalt and expel it in the form of excrement that generates a very valuable humus. basalt in turn stimulates its activity as well as microbial life.

7 basalt is a structuring agent for the soil. in sandy soils, the contribution of basalt allows to retain water and therefore obtain a less dry land. this property is due to the hygroscopic characteristics of the micronized basalt and the development of the humus.

basalt is also effective on caked soil, which aerates when used in the form of sand, contributes to the heating of the soil.

8 basalt contains more than 40% silica, an element that strengthens the tissues of vegetables and stimulates their natural resistance to diseases and parasitic attacks.

9 basalt is a balanced rock that contains not only silica but also calcium. it is suitable for all soils, whether acidic or basic.

10 the basalt used in foliar dusting, with a very fine grain size, allows to combat some insects that plague crops. due to its fineness, the basalt particles fill the respiratory holes of the insects, disturbing their sight and their nerve endings. this action, which is physical and not chemical, is repulsive to insects. the absence of toxicity is a guarantee of non contamination of predators useful for ecological balance.

11 basalt with fine grain size fixes odors. this property is appreciated in the treatment of slurry and straw beds of animals. due to its fixing power of volatile nitrogenous materials, basalt contributes to the enrichment of manure.

12 due to its ability to fix oxygen and increase soil aeration, basalt stimulates microbial life. it creates ideal development conditions for aerobic bacteria useful for a good decomposition of plant and organic waste; therefore, it limits the number of anaerobic bacteria that are detrimental to the good quality of the fermentations. this property is particularly interesting in composting techniques, to enhance manure and slurry.

13 basalt is an entirely natural and non toxic product; does not contain any synthesis molecule. its use, even in massive doses, is never harmful (an excess in quantities has no consequences, unlike other products).

14 basalt works through life processes that take place on earth, it does not short circuit natural mechanisms like many fertilizers do. therefore, the use of basalt maintains the biological balance of the soils.

on the other hand, the conservation of basalt does not pose any problem; it does not change over time.

the list of beneficial effects is impressive; however, it must be borne in mind that the best of products is only effective if used methodically. this applies even more to basalt, since this rock acts through natural mechanisms, the dynamics of which can be stimulated by its use.

where does basalt come from?
basalt is a volcanic rock that was formed during eruptions by solidification of magma currents. basalt is a volcanic igneous rock that forms when magma cools and solidifies. there are two types of igneous rocks, plutonic or intrusive rocks that occur when cooling occurs slowly below the surface, and volcanic or effusive rocks, which occur when cooling occurs quickly above the surface.

examples of igneous plutonic rock are granite, porphyry, ofite, diabase, gabbro and diorite.

examples of igneous volcanic rock are andesite, basalt, rhyolite, and dacite

therefore and according to this, it is a mistake, in some deliberate case, to call any type of igneous volcanic rock basalt. the most common fraud in rock flour is to offer basalt rock flour and offer, ofita, porfido or pozzolana, for this reason it is very important to request the material identification test, in order to verify that the rock is truly basalt.

basalt is the volcanic rock that has a broader mineralogical complex and suitable for use in agriculture.

click here to know more…

volcano lava

what grain size to use?
the choice of particle size depends on the use and the desired effect. the finer the powders, the larger their contact surface (a single gram of micronized powder can cover several square meters); the action of microorganisms is thus faster. on the other hand, the structuring properties are different depending on the particle size. so in the market we can find several sizes:

the crushed 0/2, obtained by grinding the rocks, has a grain size similar to that of fine sand. the diameter of the particles ranges from 80 microns to 2 mm. the thicker powder is cheaper. its action is slow and is suitable for a long lasting and deep treatment or when the microbial activation is intense.

it is also used to aerate packed earth and its use in arboriculture is very effective.

micronized basalt is obtained by milling that reduces the rock to flour. its grain size is 90% between 1 micron and 80 microns. its very large contact surface allows it to be quickly decomposed by microorganisms and physical chemical factors. it is used to structure sandy soils and where fast action is desired. this particle size is suitable for foliar dusting, the treatment of animal litters and slurry. the 0/2 and the micronized can be used together to accumulate the effects. the price also increases with finesse but the higher cost of micronizing is offset by a dose reduction. (the use doses of the micronized are 2 to 3 times lower than those of 0/2).

how and where to use basalt?
there are 5 main areas of basalt use, although they are not the only ones:

gardening, floriculture, indoor plants, ornamentals, grass, ...

the garden

the crops

fruit growing and forestry


humus with basalt

gardening, floriculture, indoor plants, ornamentals ...
when planted or transplanted, it is recommended to incorporate into the soil, depending on the size of the pot, 100 to 150 grams of micronized basalt.

then, it is advisable to provide maintenance, every 3 months, from 60 to 70 grams that will ensure the freshness of the flowers and will improve the firmness of the stems (these amounts are given for medium pots of about two liters of soil).

for flower beds and flower beds, basalt is used in the same doses as in the garden.

for transplants see the paragraph on the garden.

to give vigor to the lawn, it is advisable to sprinkle the grass with micronized basalt, preferably before it rains (100 to 200 grams per m2).

the garden
by incorporation into the soil: sprinkle the basalt on the ground and binar.

dosage to use: 200 to 300 grams per m2 for micronized and 500 to 600 grams per m2 for 0/2 or fine grit.

by incorporation into the compost: sprinkle during composting as the pile is built.

dose to use: 8 to 12 kg. per m3 of compost for micronizing and from 20 to 30 kg. per m2 for 0/2.

the use of basalt by composting is recommended. on the one hand, it improves the compost not only due to the mineral contributions but also due to a better development of the aerobic bacteria responsible for the required fermentations. on the other hand, the intense microbial life accelerates the alteration of the rock for its assimilation by the plants. therefore, it is preferable, when possible, to incorporate basalt into the soil by pre composting.

by foliar dusting: during growth and when there is an attack by parasites, sprinkle the leaves and stems with micronized basalt. renew the dusting if necessary.

micronized basalt is also used as a spray; the powder is diluted in a low dose in water and mixed, if necessary, with other products (nettle or horsetail manure, for example).

before transplanting, it is advisable to carry out a “sucking process”. this technique consists of covering the roots with a kind of “liquid mud” called “garrapiña”.

the preparation of the "garrapiña" is generally done with fresh cow dung (or with well decomposed manure) mixed with clay and diluted in water, micronized basalt is added to the paste. this guarantees an excellent rooting of the plant.

for the seeds, it is advisable to mix them with micronized basalt before sowing. good results are obtained by making this mixture a few days before sowing.

to ensure good germination and vigorous development of seedlings, it is recommended to add basalt to mulches and mixtures for making seedbeds.

in mixture with slurry: preferably use micronized basalt. it is difficult to recommend doses due to the variety of slurry available (nettle, horsetail, comfrey, ...) and the possibilities of dilution. the experience gained over the years will be the best counselor.

when mulching or burying green manure, it is recommended to incorporate basalt

the method of use is the same as in the orchard but adapted in its application to the scale of cultivated area.

dosage to use: 0.5 to 1.5 tons of 0/2 per hectare (about 50 to 150 grams per square meter) depending on the type of soil, the crops and the farming methods practiced.

fruit growing and forestry
for the treatment of fruit trees, in a garden or on an orchard, it is advisable to make holes 20/30 cm deep and 5/10 cm in diameter around the tree, and fill them with basalt.

the holes should be arranged under the tree canopy, taking care not to damage the roots.
0/2 is generally used for this technique, although it is possible to use micronizing in order to obtain a faster action. basalt can also be mixed with horn powder recommended for its action on trees.

under the trees, basalt is also incorporated into the soil by dusting at a rate of 5/10 kg of micronized basalt or 20/30 kg of 0/2 (these doses are for a tree with a crown of 100 m2).

when planting trees, it is advisable, on the one hand, to “scrap” the roots as previously indicated and, on the other hand, to mix 2 to 3% of micronized basalt or 6 to 8% of the 0/2 and also a little horn powder.

micronized basalt is also used in the preparation of preparations intended for trunk care.

these treatments stimulate the vitality of the trees and allow a good regeneration of the bark. for any tree, these preparations constitute a true basic hygiene. these treatments should be applied in the fall. whatever the preparation used, its effect will improve by adding micronized basalt. we give you as an example, the composition of a preparation recommended by mª thun, whose results in weak trees are particularly surprising: mixing 500 gr of clay or kaolin with 250 gr of micronized basalt and 250 gr of cow dung; dilute with skim milk cut in half with water (or better still with serum if you can get it) until obtaining a liquid mass applicable with a brush on the trunks, to which the dead bark has previously been cleaned, moss and lichen with a steel brush. this paste can be further enriched by adding, for example, nettle or horsetail slurry, wood ash or feldspar powder, bone powder, ...

micronized basalt is used in arboriculture in the form of foliar dusting powder or diluted in water or with other manure. to combat some insects such as aphids, a dilution of basalt and bentonite in equal parts with water and nettle slurry is effective, which is sprayed on the treetops. (there is no risk of overdosing, but it is advisable to remove the preparation from time to time since the basalt tends to fall to the bottom of the fumigation backpack).

in forestry, basalt is used in the fight against diseases that currently affect forests in much of the world. basalt powders are a valuable fertilizer to revitalize forest soils.

whether in professional or amateur livestock, basalt (preferably micronized) is sprinkled on animal beds at a rate of 100 to 200 grams per m2 every two or three days. this technique enriches the beds in magnesium and in oligoelements and reduces ammoniacal nitrogen losses, so bad odors are eliminated and nitrogenous matter is gained.

basalt is also used as a mineral supplement in rations given to animals.

the first need of any plant is to develop its roots in healthy, living soil. before treating vegetables, flowers and crops against diseases and parasite attacks, it is preferable to take care of the soil from which the vegetables extract the necessary elements to resist aggressions themselves. this is the case with all living organisms, a balanced natural food avoids resorting to medications, sometimes with serious consequences. by chemically treating vegetables, their natural resistance capacity is gradually destroyed, the quality of the soil deteriorates.

therefore, it is important to reinforce the natural mechanisms and stimulate the life of the soil. experience has shown that basalt powder is particularly effective in achieving this purpose.

employed for several years by agricultural professionals, basalt is still little known by gardeners.

the preparation of maría thun
in a brief summary, it consists of mixing 500 gr of micronized basalt with five cubes of fresh cow dung and the biodynamic preparations of the compost are added, it matures in a half buried barrel for a few months and then is ready to use.

120 gr of this preparation dynamized in 30 l. of water are enough to fumigate a quarter of a hectare (2500 m2). this treatment, we could say, homeopathic, favors the vital processes of the soil.

basalt as a source of fertility
basaltic volcanic lands are extremely fertile. therefore, despite the danger posed by volcanoes, the regions that surround them have always been highly populated.

katia and maurice kraftt, renowned volcanologists, in one of their books "the awakening of the earth", underlined the extraordinary wealth of volcanic soils:

"when major explosive eruptions occur, the fall of ash sows desolation, sometimes death. but these impressive damages, generally quite localized, are, however, little compared to the fantastic prosperity that volcanoes bring to many regions of the globe. indonesia, central america, mexico, the surroundings of rome, naples and catania in italy, the limagne in france and many other places owe him formidable fertility.

if java is the most fertile island on earth, it is due to volcanoes. of course, tropical rains constantly pierce the soil impoverishing them in mineral salts, but, on the other hand, the land is regularly enriched by the falls of volcanic ash, rich in lime, potash and phosphorus due to eruptions. it is a real compost that falls from the sky. agronomists have found that the more frequent the eruptions of a javanese volcano, the denser the population is on its slopes because the soil is more fertile. java's volcanoes kill an average of two hundred people a year but allow eighty million to live thanks to their fertility.

the stones of the katmai (alaska) eruption in 1912 drowned the forests, but in 1913 the vegetation sprouted here and there jutting out from between the layers of ash, except for the edge of the ukak river, where the trees were suffocated by thick muddy currents. when botanists cut the trunks of the trees that had survived the eruption around 1920, they were surprised to find that the growth rings were five times thicker after 1913 than before, due to the fertilizing action of volcanic ash. "

the fertility of the nile is legendary, but what many people do not know is that it is due in part to the silts that come from the erosion of the rocks of the ethiopian volcanic massifs.

on the other hand, it is useless to travel the world to convince yourself of the extraordinary wealth of volcanic soils. it is enough to go to avernia, in limagne exactly, to find the most fertile land in france (the high price of the cultivable hectare supports it).

volcanic rocks and particularly basalt are therefore a valuable resource for improving soil quality.

basalt composition

since basalt is a natural product, the following percentages are average values ​​subject
to slight variations.

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snoek or rock powder
fine rock powder basalt. to disperse, pulverize and sprinkle. a remedy of many uses in gardens, for the improvement of the structure of the soil, the foliage and a healthier fruit.

to improve and heal the soil

application on plants: spray 2% dissolve in water every 14 21 days. it can be mixed with other remedies. sprinkle with spray on wet leaves.

soil application: 2 times a year, disperse about 200 g / m2 on the soil, working it lightly.

good results are obtained by spraying with backpack on fruit trees affected by aphids in cold springs, obtaining fruits of greater size and better flavor, it is a good treatment combined with other bio agricultural treatments.
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