Selling N°275921:
03/05/2017 17:37:50
specifications of the cocoa beans
standards and quality
very dry cocoa, lower or more equal rate of humidité is 8%
rate of purple beans: more than 7%
rate of slated beans: lower or equal 3%
rate of made moldy beans: inferior or equal in 3%
rate of defective beans ( flat beans, crack, beans germinated, beans attacked by insecte): inferior or equal in 3%
graining: inferior or equal in 3%
on the export,the cocoa is classified as follow
cocos stemming from the very watched preparation:
cabossage, fermentation, drying and storage, good quality and corresponds to the criteria following ones:
dry cocoa, of lower humidity or equals 7%
purple bean (charms): lower or equal 7%
slated beans (charms):lower or equal 3%
defective beans (charms) ( flat beans (charms), crack, beans (charms) germinated, beans (charms) attacked ( affected) by insects): inferior or equal to 3%
made mouldy beans: inferior or equal in 3%
graining: from 90 to 100 beans by 100 grams.
washed superior preparation and quality that the superior but the beans are washed in a pond before the drying
peasant preparation, mixture of various qualifies stemming from diverse traditionnel preparations
other classifications:
cocoa from africa
packaging and conditioning: new bags 65 kg