Selling N°212995:
05/10/2015 21:34:24
We provide a wide range of enzyme and probiotic products which can assist you in meeting your animal feed requirements. We also provide bio products well suited for use as animal feed supplements, with applications in dairy and beef cattle, poultry, equine, and aquaculture. These Bio products are tested for their effectiveness to replace antibiotics, while improving the livestock production profitability.
also distributes bio fertilizers for agriculture (field and greenhouse), having given very satisfactory results in several types of plants productivity. In addition to Bio disinfectants and Bio products for the treatment of soil and water (wast water, bio Algicides, Golf, pool, domestic and municipal sludge, etc.). These products have demonstrated their effectiveness in several areas of animal and plant production.
All of our products are available for private labeling. We can custom manufacture to meet all your market needs.
Packaging : All
Quantity : Unlimited