EspaceAgro selleco

Cracked Corn - Canada

Cracked Corn - feed a common and useful type of food for birds,  cracked corn is often overlooked or dismissed as an inferior seed. because it is easily available and affordable,  however,  cracked corn is a great option for feeding many backyard birds. we source,  trade and export the highest quality cracked corn worldwid
Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°188868:   13/02/2015 20:10:29
A common and useful type of food for birds, cracked corn is often overlooked or dismissed as an inferior seed. Because it is easily available and affordable, however, cracked corn is a great option for feeding many backyard birds. we source, trade and export the highest quality Cracked Corn worldwide. we are directly working with world’s top agricultural producers to fulfill all your requirements at competitive prices. we pride ourselves on providing trusted and knowledgeable services in order to develop mutually beneficial and lasting relationships with our customers and producers. in compliance with customers’ requirements, we ship in bulk, bags and totes. we offer conventional, organic and/or gluten free.
Quantity : 1FCL Min
Nous sommes une entreprise Canadienne spécialisée dans l'exportation des céréales et des grains de haute qualité incluant les lentilles, pois, haricots, pois chiches, soja, graines de moutarde, graines de lin, millet, avoine, alpiste, orge et graines de tournesol. Nous offrons des produits conventionnels et biologiques. Nous nous approvisionnons directement auprès des meilleurs producteurs agricoles du Canada pour répondre aux exigences de ses

country: Canada
Type activity: Agent
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