EspaceAgro selleco

Fresh Fish And Frozen Fish From South Of Morocco - Greece

STATUT NON DEFINISelling  N°362804:   03/05/2019 15:54:11
we are moroccan family business company, branch in prague czech exporting and importing mainly fresh and frozen fish
our fish is fished by our boat 4 boat carefully selected by us on the spot and only the best quality is exported: first choice (artisanal line fishing by small boats, in out same day). fresh fish is iced immediately, delivered to our factory for quality control, grading, sorting, sizing and packaging.
these are our most commonly available species for export
rougets de roche (mullus surmuletus) trigia di scoglio /ΜΠΑΡΜΠΟΥΝΙ
rascasse (scorpaena scrofa) cabracho/ scorfano rosso/ΣΚΟΡΠΙΟΣ
vrai sar (diplodus sargus) sarago/Σαργός
faux sar (diplodus sargus cadenati) sarago/ΚΑΚΑΡΕΛΟ
pageot commun (pagrus pargus) pargo/ seabream / ΦΑΓΓΡΙ
pageot royal (pagrus auriga) hurta/stripped seabream
marbré (lithognathus mormyrus) hrerra/ mormora/Μουρμούρα
breka (pagellus erythrinus) pagello/ΛΙΘΡΙΝΙ
sama/denté rose (dentex gibbosus) denton/ dentice gibosso/ΤΣΑΟΥΣΙ
denté mediteranean (dentex dentex) dentice med. / ΣΥΝΑΓΡΙΔΑ
coq rouge/pagre denté à gros yeux (dentex macrophthalmus) dentice occhione /ballas
pagres (chrysophrys auratus) pagro rosa
dorade rose a gros yeux (pagellus bogaraveo) besugo/borazo/blackspot seabream/ΜΟΥΣΜΟΥΛΙ
dorade royal (sparus aurata) dorada / gildhead/seabream/ orata/ΤΣΙΠΟΥΡΑ
grondin perlon (trigla lucerna) gallinella/cappone/ΚΑΠΟΝΙ
st.pierre (zeus faber) john dory/pesce san pietro/Χριστόψαρο
st.pierre argenté (zenopsis conchifer) john dory silver
lotte / baudoire (lophius piscatorius) monk fish/ rana pescatrice/Φανάρι
loup de mer sauvage (dicentrarchus labrax) lubina/ wild seabass / branzino/spigola/Λαβράκι
calamar/encornet (loligo vulgaris) squid/ calamari
sole commune (solea vulgaris) lenguado/ dover sole/ sogliola/ ΓΛΩΣΣΑ
sole vrai (solea senegalensis) lenguado
turbo (psetta maxima) rombo chiodato/rodaballo/Καλκάνι
merou blanc (epinephelus aeneus) white grouper / thiof
merou jaune (epinephelus guaza) cerina / ΡΟΦΟΣ
vive (trachinus draco) tracina/ragno
merlu colin (merluccius merluccius) merluza ΜΕΡΛΟΥΤΣΟΣ
cuttlefish (sepia officinalis)
octopus/piovre (octopus vulgaris) polpo/polpi
puntilla (alloteuthis media) baby calamari / calamaretto /Γλώσσα
for more details please do not hesitate to contact us
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