Selling N°566904:
11/10/2022 18:31:49
Member Area
catching method. caught (wild)
expiration date. 10/10/2023
fishing area. fao 34 (atlantic, eastern central)
freezing process. bqf, 2*11 kg
glazing. 3%
nutrition facts (per 100 g of product)
proteins 17.47 g
fat 12.89 g
carbohydrates 0.23 g
caloric content 186.16 kcal
(779 kj)
production / caught date. 10/10/2022
size. 18+
country of origin mauritania
packing weight. 22 kg
Tariff conditions : 750$ FOB
Packaging : Prêt à l'envoi
Quantity : 1000T
Cost : 750$ FOB