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To Supply Monringa Products - Ghana

STATUT NON DEFINISelling  N°434737:   04/08/2020 18:32:41 Brand Member Area

moringa (moringa oleifera) is a perennial softwood vegetable tree widely grown. moringa has many important vitamins and minerals. the leaves have 7 times more vitamin c than oranges and 15 times more potassium than bananas. it also has calcium, protein, iron, and amino acids, which help your body heal and build muscle. boasting anti inflammatory properties and packed with vitamins a, c and e and other antioxidants, moringa fights premature aging and dull skin. “when cold pressed, the oil from the seeds is one of the most effective multitasking moisturizers for all hair and skin types
Tariff conditions : 1000 kgs
Restrictions : None limit
Packaging : Natural Tested Products
Quantity : 1kg -100kgs
Cost : 1000 kgs
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