Selling N°301264:
27/12/2017 04:40:33
product details:
top alga
(seaweed soluble fertilizer)
main ingredient:
alginate acid ≥ 100g/l n+p2o5+k20≥200g/l
fe+ b + zn ≥10g/l organic matter≥120g/l
ph 6~8 density: 1.2kg/l
this fertilizer is produced from high quality laminaria japonica. laminaria japonica is famous for its comprehensive nutrients and it is highly approved as a kind of delicious seaweed food for chinese, korean and japanese. laminaria japonica contains plentiful k2o, annitol, vitamin, amino acid, trace elements and other necessary nutrient elements for crops. this made it a superior raw material for fertilizers. you will get good harvest by using this fertilizer because all the above nutrients were maintained for fertilizing your crop.
1. regulate the growth of plant, advance flowering phase
2. increase the set of fruit, enlarge the size and color of fruits
3. improve soil condition,supplement trace element
applicable to the below crops:
vegetables, flowers, fruit trees, melons, medical plants, tea, etc.
1. fertilize during irrigation, 80l~120l/ha.
2. spray. dilute with water as 1:1500~1:800. twice in a growing period.
shelf life 3 years
package: 10l/ 20l or 200l
Tariff conditions : $370
Restrictions : non
Packaging : a la demande du client
Quantity : 200L
Cost : $370
"alginate" fait référence à un sel d'acide alginique. Les alginates sont des sels et esters d'acide alginique, qui est un polysaccharide extrait principalement d'algues brunes. Ces substances sont souvent utilisées dans l'industrie alimentaire, pharmaceutique et cosmétique, ainsi que dans d'autres applications industrielles. L'alginate est connu pour ses propriétés épaississantes, gélifiantes et stabilisantes, et il est parfois utilisé dans la préparation de certains types de gels, médicaments et produits alimentaires.