Selling N°632404:
19/02/2024 14:59:30
we are completely offering our rich in quality range of buffalo
omasumproducts at the most reasonable rates. this buffalo meat is given by
our team members under the hygienic working conditions. along with that we
only use the modern technology while processing and preservation of this
meat for our customers. it is also quality checks by our experts to offer
expired free & fresh meat to our customers.
product name buffalo/ beef salted omasum
quality prime grade a+
size of individual peice(average) 1 kg to 2. 25 kilograms
packing 30 to 50 kg gummy bags
affordabl , e rates
highly tender while eating
rich taste
salted beef omasum 500 to 850 gm
salted beef omasum 850 to 1 kg
salted buffalo omasum 850 gm to 1 kg
salted omasum 1 kg to 1500 gm
beef offals salted omasum, frozen omasum , tongue , tails, tripes, heart,
liver, kidney, lungs, brain, tendons, trachea, paddy wack, knuckle, buffalo
tongue, buffalo trachea, frozen etc.
contact back for details and trading terms.