EspaceAgro selleco

Chicken Parts - China

STATUT NON DEFINIBuying  N°548973:   22/06/2022 07:34:51
looking for chicken parts, paws, drumstick, wings, pawn, join, legs etc... brazil or south america only .. price sensitive 2 fcls/month
destination china ..
Quantity : 2 or 3 FCLs/month (TBC)
Trader base maintenant a Bangkok (adresse Chinoise valide mais non utilise depuis le Covid.. Lien Linkedin Laurent POUSSE.. Cette activite est secondaire avec but de mettre en contact Acheteurs et producteurs, Le lien Linkedin vous donnera un profil plus complet... 25 ans de presence en Asie avec un network tres important..

country: China
Type activity: Agent
Be careful for example if members only want to exchange by email.
Be careful with too much bargains
Don t send money for example by western union, but use the service of your bank.
Work with your banks, and ask them to secure your transaction Use the services of an official freight forwarder you know
Check that all the documents received from your contact are not fake. Do not hesitate to contact the company directly on its official telephone number to verify this information..
don t send any document if you are not sure of your interlocutor
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