EspaceAgro selleco

Grade Frozen Chicken And Chicken Cuts - Royaume-Uni

Grade A Frozen Chicken and Chicken cuts - meat and eggs grade a frozen chicken gizzards, --we are engaged in wholesale and retail trade of frozen chicken and chicken cuts. our plant provides professional service,  and ensure flexible conditions of meat delivery at attractive prices.     --we export to various countries and our main markets are- eec,  china,
Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°603873:   06/07/2023 08:20:32
grade a frozen chicken gizzards,
we are engaged in wholesale and retail trade of frozen chicken and chicken cuts. our plant provides professional service, and ensure flexible conditions of meat delivery at attractive prices.
we export to various countries and our main markets are: eec, china, switzerland, russia, south africa, japan, korea, hong kong, taiwan, vietnam, singapore and many other countries worldwide.
we offer products such as: frozen whole chicken, frozen whole chicken shawarma, frozen whole chicken breast with bones on and skin on, frozen whole chicken boneless and skinless, breast, frozen halves, boneless and skinless breast, frozen breast, chicken fillets, frozen boneless and skinless chicken leg, frozen chicken whole leg with bones on and skin on, frozen chicken thigh, frozen chicken leg quarter, frozen chicken drumstick, frozen chicken 3 joint wings, frozen chicken middle joint wings, frozen chicken wing tips, frozen chicken heart, frozen chicken gizzards, frozen chicken liver, frozen chicken breast, frozen chicken paws, frozen chicken feet, frozen chicken tail, frozen chicken neck, frozen chicken skin etc
due to flexibility and our customer oriented service, we also provide customer cuts.
most of our chicken chicken suppliers work from certified production sites under haccp rules, often with brc approval. we deliver our products and services to our importers in the following food sectors: industry, wholesale suppliers, foodservice distributors, and retail.
for more information, please contact us
Tariff conditions : 900$ per ton
Restrictions : Brazil
Packaging : carton boxes
Quantity : 10000MT
Cost : 900$ per ton
EspaceAgro information
le shawarma est un plat de viande originaire du moyen orient, populaire dans de nombreuses régions du monde. il est généralement préparé en empilant des couches de viande, généralement de l'agneau, du poulet, du bœuf ou parfois du veau, sur une broche verticale. la viande est ensuite rôtie lentement et tournée pendant la cuisson. une fois cuite, la viande est tranchée finement et servie dans un pain pita ou une tortilla, accompagnée de garnitures telles que des légumes frais, des sauces à l'ail, du tahini ou du yaourt. le shawarma est apprécié pour son goût savoureux et ses arômes épicés, et il est souvent considéré comme un plat de restauration rapide très populaire dans de nombreuses parties du monde.
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