Other N°588579:
14/03/2023 17:57:26
hello, we looking for serious partners or distributors or resellers all over europe and africa for our new and interesting ready dishes made in italy: lasagne bolognese (only beef 100%), cannelloni di carne (only beef 100%), cannelloni cheese and spinach, and lasagne of aubergines. the advantage of these products is that they not need refrigeration no need to stay in frezer but can stay in room temperature (ideal +4 to +40°c). no expose directly to sun light. there are no chemical conservants. shelf life from manufacturing date is 12 months. weight 350 grs each single unit. preparation only 120 seconds in microwave or 10 minutes in oven. super features for these new products that help the planet to save energy because not use energy for be preserved like those 18°c that need frigo for transport, for stock them , for travel and been stocked in home. very practise for hotels, restaurants, kiosk, vending machines, hospitals, schools & university, bars, offices, etc... product can be ordered and it go in production cue; product can be oem so there is possibility to do your own label brand on it, only moq of 1100 each type. its a revolution never seen before. product made in italy 100%, under original recipe but without wine and only with beef meat! please send your email e phone contacts in order to receive commercial proposal with pictures. tks & brgds
Restrictions : Europe, Middle east, Africa are preferred areas
Packaging : Sales are intended by Pallet
Quantity : No limits in production, only cue
import export: aliments et boissons non alcoolisés, truffes, noix séchées, protection de masque médical
country: Italy
Type activity: Wholesaler