EspaceAgro selleco

Prickly Pear Seed Oil - Tunisia

prickly pear seed oil - olis we are a tunisian company specialized in the extraction of prickly pear seed oil obtained with cold pressing. we have large quantities of certified organic oil in compliance with the tunisian,  american,  and european standards,  ecocert,  usda,  and nop. all the certifications are available in the direc
Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°437938:   27/08/2020 00:53:05
we are a tunisian company specialized in the extraction of prickly pear seed oil obtained with cold pressing. we have large quantities of certified organic oil in compliance with the tunisian, american, and european standards, ecocert, usda, and nop. all the certifications are available in the directory of the ecocert international certification website. we look forward to making collaborations and partnerships in logistics and distribution in order to diversify the sale of our oil, with a view to acquiring new market segments. finally, we would like to inform that we can achieve a production of more than 1500 liters of prickly pear oils per year with different sales formulas: in bulk, in detail, and in personalized amber bottles of 15 ml and 30 ml.
our oil’s laboratory results analysis shows a composition very rich in fatty acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, oleic acid (omega 9), linoleic acid (omega 6) and, in vitamin e (total vitamin e 1750 mg / kg). (please request the results documents if needed).
Quantity : 1500 liters
Nous sommes une société tunisienne spécialisée dans l’extraction des huiles végétales des pépins de figues de barbarie de première pression à froid et huile essentielle de romarin, certifiées bio.

country: Tunisia
Type activity: Wholesaler
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