EspaceAgro selleco

Product Processor's Looking For Customers - Cote Ivoire

product processor's looking for customers - olis specialized in the food industry (designer and manufacturer of agricultural and industrial machines) we can provide customers with some local or exotic products,  processed or not,  such as,  turmeric,  ginger,  cocoa,  coconut(oil and milk),  avocado oil,  corn ,  cola,  attiéké,  vegetable oils
STATUT NON DEFINISelling  N°416744:   27/04/2020 00:15:35
specialized in the food industry (designer and manufacturer of agricultural and industrial machines) we can provide customers with some local or exotic products, processed or not, such as, turmeric, ginger, cocoa, coconut(oil and milk), avocado oil, corn , cola, attiéké, vegetable oils, shea butter ...
Société ivoirienne exerçant dans le domaine de l'industrie agro alimentaire. Nous concevons et fabriquons des machines agricoles telles que les broyeurs à marteaux, les broyeurs mélangeur, des semouleuses, des plumeuses de volailles, des égrappoirs, des décortiqueuses, des presses (à vis ou hydraulique), des machines à granulés, des séchoirs ou des deshydrateurs, des concasseurs, des distillateurs et bien d'autres. Nous

country: cote d ivoire
Type activity: Manufacturer
Indicated capacity
Nos machines sont conçues par nous mêmes et fabriquées dans nos ateliers. Nos machines répondent aux normes de qualité. Nos prix sont alléchants et compétitifs.
Official information provided by the advertiser
The advertiser says that he is a COMPANY
The advertiser declares to be able to provide on request:
Main bank
Official documents
Registration number
L'annonceur declare être une ENTREPRISE
l'annonceur declare pouvoir fournir sur demande:
Main bank
Official documents
Registration number
 Fabricant de machines agroalimentaires et industrielles
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Be careful with too much bargains
Don t send money for example by western union, but use the service of your bank.
Work with your banks, and ask them to secure your transaction Use the services of an official forwarder you know
Check that all the documents received from your contact are not false.N do not hesitate to contact the company directly on its official telephone number to check this information.
don t send any document if you are not sure of your interlocutor
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