EspaceAgro selleco

Aloe Vera Bio Drinks And Gels - France

Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°196565:   21/04/2015 17:31:29 Brand Member Area

Our Aloe juice is made with 99,95% of juice from the leaf and 0,5% citric acid, gel to drink 99,72% Aloe, 0,25% citric acid and 0,03% xanthan gum. Gel for body 96% Aloe, xanthan gum, aqua + ingredients. These products are finalized in France under official laboratory controls and bottled/Tube set by a specialized subcontractor.
Tariff conditions : yes
Restrictions : areas Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, Benelux, US
Packaging : bottles, tubes and boxes. Land and sea.
Quantity : to study
Cost : yes
Importateur : (1) de jus 100% FRUIT ET BIO : Grenade, Poire, Abricot, Prune, Mure Myrtille, Cranberry, Banane Pomme Poire, Yumberry, canneberge, Melon, Coing, Cerise griotte et autres supers fruits ainsi que des boissons florales. (2) D'aloe vera en jus et en poudre.

country: France
Type activity: Wholesaler
Indicated capacity
Tous nos jus ELITE NATUREL et l'Aloe vera en provenance de notre partenaire mexicain sont certifiés bio ECOCERT FRANCE
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