EspaceAgro selleco

Diesel 700-10 - Italy

Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°664969:   01/12/2024 19:09:14
ago 50,000 100,000 kmt tto in lome watersworkable procedure.procedure 1. seller issue contract document to buyer, buyer signs and return signed contract along with matb details2. seller gives pop to buyer, buyer verifies the authenticity of the pop and then issues a block funds of one million dollars $1,000,000.00usd to the seller's fiduciary bank 3. upon the seller receiving the block funds, seller issues matb/loa to buyer supercargo and inspector's to come onboard.4. upon buyer receiving matb/loa/clearance buyer pays $100,000 to the seller, then seller takes buyer super cargo inspector to board the mama vessel, supercargo remains onboard while the inspector comes down with sample for q&q purpose5. upon successful q&q report buyer pays logistics of $1,000,000 for documentation 6. buyer then raises mt103 less $1,100,000.00 dollars payments made as final payment of the cargo and all facilitators.
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