EspaceAgro selleco


Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°365414:   25/05/2019 21:00:18
gtf intervient en tant qu'intermédiaire dans cette vente de pétrole brut origine nigeria dont voici les spécifications précises et les conditions d'exécution de la transaction qui est des plus serieuses.
1.0 product/proof of product
1.1 bonny light crude of international
standard export quality of the following specification:

1.2 specific gravity (api) = 34.17
specific gravity at 150c, kg/1 astmd1298/p 0.8497 9.8498
api at 60 degrees f astm table 51 47 21
salinity astmd 4006/1p 358 4.7p.t.b @ 60 degrees f
color dark brown
bs & w content [vol. %] astmd 473/1p 53 0.25 average
sulfur %wt astmd 0.14% wt
pour point degrees f astmd 97/1p.15 40º[f] degrees f
water content: 0.2% vol. max
reib vapor pressure: 6.52psig

1.3 quantity:
seventy two million (72,000,000) barrels. the each shipment shall be 2,000, 000 barrels for 6.000.000 barrels monthly.

1.4 destination:
to any of the following nations: in europe, port of discharge to be adviced by buyer, before completion of loading
2.0 determination of quality:
2.1 as per inspection certificate issued at the discharge port by saybolt or s.g.s, which shall be final and binding upon the seller. (after compilation of loading)

3.0 origin
3.1 the origin of the product is (nigeria national petroleum corporation) federal republic of nigeria.

4.0 delivery:
4.1 the seller will give to the buyer notice of the vessel (s) completion of loading and sailing from the port. the seller will narrow the above period to three (3) days definite notice of cargo delivery at buyer’s nominated discharge port.(after completion of cargo and the narrow above period means is to let the buyer have the cargo full information on time). delivery of cargo within 3 weeks after receipt of sblc.

4.2 in the event that the buyer declares his option to discharge the cargo at any other acceptable port within the permitted range, the buyer shall bear the freight difference according to the afra list for such actions. (any safe world port)
6.0 procedures / payment instrument:
i. seller & buyer sign and seal this contract and exchange the signed copy by electronic mail. the electronic signed copy by both parties is considered legally binding and enforceable.

ii. buyer sends issuer of instrument cis/passport copy/certificate of business registration, nor format, and bank pre advice letter to seller via mt799, stating buyer’s readiness to issue mt760 of total cargo upon receipt of cargo documents.

iii. seller upon receipt of buyer bank pre advice letter issues below confirmation letters to buyer:

a. contract confirmation letter.
b. cargo documents.

documents includes:
1. nnpc authority to sell consigned to seller
2. bills of lading issued by nnpc
3. certificate of quantity issued by nnpc
4. certificate of quality‎ issued by nnpc
5. certificate of origin issued by nnpc
6. tanker ullage report
7. tanker time sheet
8. q88
9. master’s receipt for samples
10. cargo manifest
11. master’s receipt for one copy of each document (except invoice)
12. official nnpc allocation letter documenting the cargo grade, volume and laycans.
iv. buyer upon receipt of above documents within 48 hrs, instruct his bank to issues confirmed, irrevocable, unconditional, divisible, transferable sblc mt760 to seller nominated bank.

v. seller confirms buyer’s sblc mt760, and issues confirmation letter on receipt of instrument to buyer.

vi. seller vessel issues nor/eta.

vii. seller ensures that the cargo is documented, registered and obtain certificate of ownership/title of warranty.

viii. upon vessel arrival, the captain open communication with buyer shiping agent, buyer clear the cargo into buyer’s port, captain/seller issue matb to buyer and board buyer inspector to conduct ciq.

ix. buyer upon receipt of ciq result issue mt103/23 to seller’s nominated bank account.
x. seller confirms buyer issuance of mt103/23 and instruct the captain to discharge the cargo into buyer’s storage.

xi. within 24 hours after discharge of crude oil at buyer’s port of destination/storage, the buyer pays for the crude oil as per the final q & q report issued by independent inspector at the port of discharge.
payments are made by mt103tt wire transfer directly to the seller’s authorized beneficiary nominated bank accounts and commission agents as stipulated in the imfpa in this contract within 24 hours after product delivery to buyer’s nominated port of discharge against presentation of stated shipping documents, q& q reports, commercial invoice etc. (non negotiable copies) at buyer’s bank.
agents’ commissions shall be provided simultaneously in the form of pay orders, which shall be irrevocable, through the banks for the benefit of the following agents and brokers who are to be paid simultaneously as appeared on irrevocable master fee protection agreement (imfpa).

7.0 risks and title:
7.1 the seller’s responsibility ends with the
passing of the crude oil from the ship’s unloading flange into the buyer’s discharge port for the delivery outside customs, and then the buyer shall assume all risks of loss, spillage or deterioration of the commodity if any.

7.2 all customs duties, fees or expenses payable in order with the export of the product in the country of origin under the present contract shall be for the account of the seller.

7.3 all customs duties, fees or expenses payable related to the import of the product into the buyer’s country shall be for the account of the buyer.
(the buyer pays for the cost at his discharge port)

8.0 port of discharge, lay time and demurrages:
8.1 notice of readiness (nor) disport as follows: seven (7) days/five (5) days/three (3) days/forty eight (48) hours/twenty four (24) hours. (is an option to choose by the buyer)
8.2 lay time is thirty six (36) hours shin plus six (6) hours from notice of readiness (nor) or commencement of discharge, whichever is earlier.

8.3 buyer to guarantee demurrage if buyer’s fault.

9.0 shipment:
9.1 the seller guarantees to commence delivery of the product under this contract within 21 working days, but the first shipment shall be two (2,000,000) million barrels or as may be covered with the first letter of credit. this two (2,000,000) million barrels shall be delivered as soon as the shipping agreements are concluded. subsequent shipments shall remain as stated above for a period one year with roll over and extensions.

10.0 tanker nomination:
10.1 the seller shall notify to the buyer, vessel (s) name, flag, call signs, and other communication systems on board, gross and net tonnage cargo capacity, number of tanks, pumping capacity, and give notice of expected arrival at port of destination as early as possible and seventy two (72), forty eight (48) and twenty four (24) hours notice of vessel (s) arrival. lay time shall be thirty six (36) hours shin commencing six (6) hours after notice of readiness (nor) has been tendered or commencement of discharge whichever is earlier.

11.0 notice:
11.1 for effective and fluid communication that all communication shall be made by medium of facsimile, cable or other means of data transmission.
11.2 vessels: vessels will give notice upon completion of loading, if applicable, and then 72/48/24 hours prior to the arrival at the anticipated port of discharge.

12.0 documents:
12.1 the following documentation shall be presented by the seller’s bank to the buyer’s bank. (ok)
12.2 one original and three (3) non negotiable copies of the following:

a. clean on board ocean bill of lading. these documents must be issued or endorsed to the order of the buyer’s bank and marked “freight paid prior to breaking bulk”. the bill must also evidence the shipping date, intended destination, shipment from bonny terminal nigeria and name of product and must be manually signed by the master of the vessel.
b. certificate of quantity issued at the port of loading in original and three (3) signed copies.
c. certificate of quality issued at the port of loading in original and three (3) copies.
d. certificate of origin in original and three (3) copies.
e. certificate of authenticity in original and three (3) copies.
f. tanker ullage report in original and three (3) copies.
g. tanker time report in original and three (3) copies.
h. cargo manifest in original and three (3) copies.
i. seller’s commercial invoice based on out turned barrels in original and three (3) copies.
j. master’s receipt of non negotiable documents and samples.
k. (all necessary document will be given to buyer for payment include report issued by the independent inspector)

12.3 original only of the following: certificate by seller of the appropriate platt’s crude oil market wires used to establish the price of the crude oil and the amount of the invoice.

12.4 latest day documents (l.d.d.) presentation: ten (10) hours/a.m. standard eastern time three (3) working days prior to the payment date, otherwise payment will be effected three (3) working days after the presentation of documents (l.d.d.)(this is international standard)

Tariff conditions : Brent -8% Discount
Restrictions : Destination Europe Principalement
Quantity : 6 000 000 Barrils/mois/12 mois/5Ans
Cost : Brent -8% Discount
Official information provided by the advertiser
The advertiser declares to be able to provide on request:
Main bank
Official documents
Registration number
 Ma société est en cours de constitution et est spécialisée dans la recherche et la mise en relation de partenaires d'affaires, transactions à l'issue de laquelle elle touche des commissions d'apporteurs d'affaires. Elle intervient dans tout type de deals et de secteurs en France où elle est basée (Paris) et dans le monde partout où un client ou un fournisseur intéressé peut se trouver.
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Don t send money for example by western union, but use the service of your bank.
Work with your banks, and ask them to secure your transaction Use the services of an official freight forwarder you know
Check that all the documents received from your contact are not fake. Do not hesitate to contact the company directly on its official telephone number to verify this information..
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