EspaceAgro selleco


AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS SUPPLIER - roasted seeds and nuts company located in côte d'ivoire,  specialized in the export of agricultural products. our mission is to promote and market ivorian agricultural products of high quality,  so we work closely with local producers. we supply- cashew nuts,  dry chilli,  shelled peanuts,  shelled pistachios,  dry coconu
Client EspaceAgroSelling  N°511177:   11/11/2021 18:28:22
company located in côte d'ivoire, specialized in the export of agricultural products. our mission is to promote and market ivorian agricultural products of high quality, so we work closely with local producers. we supply: cashew nuts, dry chilli, shelled peanuts, shelled pistachios, dry coconuts, corn, petit cola, papaya, banana, pineapple, mango... etc
our team, young, professional and dynamic is as well present in ivory coast as in europe for the good progress of our international collaboration. thus, we have an approach based on the human, putting in the heart of our objectives the interest of the producers through the guarantee of the field price and the interest of our partners by providing a service quality price ratio from where the slogan "quality our dna" our assets are: our availability, our reactivity and our effectiveness. at elyön ivoire, each contact is unique and the collaboration is personalized. for all your orders anywhere in the world, please contact us. see you soon
Tariff conditions : 5000 tonnes
Restrictions : Le monde entier
Quantity : 10 tonnes
Cost : 5000 tonnes
Nous sommes une société située en Côte d’Ivoire, spécialisée dans l’exportation de produits agricoles. Notre mission est de promouvoir et de commercialiser les produits agricoles ivoiriens de grande qualité, de ce fait, nous travaillons en étroite collaboration avec les producteurs locaux et fournisseurs. Nous fournissons : la noix de cajou conditionnée, la noix brute de cajou, Piment sec chili, Graine arachide décortiqué

country: France
Type activity: Wholesaler
Indicated capacity
1 à 5000 tonnes
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