Selling N°182835:
19/12/2014 11:31:38
provides a significant amount of cottonseed oil, leaving its factories. Cotton seed oil, which is part of the most recommended oils in cosmetics and agrifood production is our specialty. We do not put any chemicals in the cotton seed oil, the oil is still á pure state, just after the factory. Oil has also been analyzed by the National Laboratory DANA BENIN.
1) including 1% linolenic acid
2) of which 0.4% linolenic acid
3) including 7% linolenic acid
4) including 10% linolenic acid
Five) of which 0.3% linolenic acid
Saturated Fatty Acids 22%
Mono Unsaturated Fatty Acids: 23%
Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids: 55%
We produce 20,000 tons to 35,000 tons / Month.
Our factories are also available to companies voudrant make the transformation or production of everything compared to oil product.
Cottonseed oil is closest to this ideal composition (despite a failure in monounsaturated fatty acids); However, oil and palm olein are too rich in saturated fatty acids while rapeseed and soybean oils have a high content of linolenic acid which limits their use in cooking or frying as generating problems of oxidation oil ...
Cotton seed oil is rich in tocopherols which are natural antioxidants: this explains its stability and long term preservation.
But above all, its high content of a tocopherol, vitamin E oil is cottonseed an asset for Health: Vitamin E, a fat soluble vitamin is fertility ...
We are looking for partners for export and sale in countries such as Greece, India, China, America, Pakistan and other destinations around the world.
For inquiries, please kindly get in touch via our email address directly, or contact us at our customer service number.
Languages spoken:
Tariff conditions : 475/T
Restrictions : grèce; italie; inde; ruissie; pakistan; et autres
Packaging : bidons et conteneurs
Quantity : 23.000T
Cost : 475/T