Selling N°222396:
04/01/2016 16:49:21
We are a company with one of our activity is the waste management. Our factories ( 25 )are located in the world but the oldest are located in Germany
About 40% of the Organic Fraction from our factories will be converted into high quality “biocompost” which isusable in any agricultural sector. The organic fractionprior to be sent into the digesters, is going thru a pasteurization process in order to kill any unlike bacteriaas well any seed. The “bio compost” is biologically inert, therefore we can call it “fertiliser”
a)Compost generated from the BioTech Process is a fertilizer in itself. Its nutritional value of one T. can replace approx. 50 $ worth in chemical fertilisers.
The analysis for example of the last samples ( it could change a bit) shows the composition of fertilizing minerals as follows about:
Nitrogen N 1,79 % of which Ammonia 1,68 Nitrate 0,11Phosphor P2O5 1,20 %Potassium K2O 0,47 %Manganese MgO 2,04 %Bor B 0,0095 %
b)In addition compost improves the physical soil structure:
it reduces acidity (compost has a Ph value of 7 9), thus reducing the necessity to add lime, it increases the surface of the soil particles, thus improving aeration and water retention quality of the soil, it prevents washing out and erosion of the soil.
c)Contamination with heavy metals
Below are the analysis data (in mg/kg of dry compost) of the BioTech compost produced by anaerobic fermentation concerning the contamination with heavy metals. The data have been evaluated by the Technical University of Munich and by InstitutFresenius near Frankfurt, one of the well known independent testing and research laboratories. The figures in brackets show the maximum quantities allowed by the "German Compost Organisation".
Lead Pb45(150)Cadmium Cd 0,6( 1,5)
Chromium Cr21(100)Copper Cu37(100)
Nickel Ni 14( 50)Mercury Hg 0,14( 1,0)
Zinc Zn175(400)
d)Toxicity, health hazards
Initially already in the fermentation tank practically all health hazardous bacteria will die in the anaerobic environment. In addition in the technical process the compost will be heated for one hour to more than 70 °C, which surely will kill any remaining bacteria and in addition weed seeds etc...
As to the consumption of compost this depends very much on the local situation. Basically it can be used for all agricultural applications, however the major fields of use will be:
Approx. 10 t (dry material) or 25 m3 per hectare and year can be brought into the fields and will be consumed by the plants within one season.
Approx. 1/3 of the generated compost quantity goes into agriculture.
Landscape recultivation, parks
This is the second most field of application, when new parks, slopes, abandoned landfill sites and areas along newly constructed highways, have to be recultivated and covered with new greenery.
Here about 1 (volume) part of compost with 3 parts of inert soil will be mixed and placed on the barren soil.
Fruit, wine and vegetable plantations
Up to 200 m³ per hectare are possible
Private gardens
Up to 50 m³ per hectare and year are possible
For this consumer group, which consumes another 1/3 of the compost quantity, the compost may be filled in 20 or 50 liter bags and sold for approx. 4 times the bulk price.
From one of our factory located in Germany, I have a stock of 20.000 T / year of compost at disposal and I m looking for buyer . Maybe do you have any interest for such a compost?
Quantity : 20.000T