Selling N°252692:
29/09/2016 13:25:24
the best kind of honey arround the world.
fromthe depths of the central and northern tunisian mountains, we offer for you hannibal honey 100% natural with 0% chemicals extras.
this product is the result of the family efforts, which is also the product of labor handed down for generations. so quality is guaranteed.
we offer all types of honey sufficient to maintain your safety and health, especially as we face a huge amount of epidemics and diseases.
honey types available:
** natural honey flavor foret
** natural honey orange flavor
** natural honey thyme flavor
** natural honey rosemary flavor
** taste of honey natural red cleoptis
** taste of honey natural cleoptis white
** natural honey almond flavor
** flavor of natural wildflower honey
**** also available bee comb, pollen, propolis,bee glue
==> to test the product:
Packaging : 1kg Glass jar
Quantity : 10 Tonnes