EspaceAgro selleco

Une Tres Bonne Offre De Sucre Icumsa 45 - Senegal

une tres bonne offre de sucre Icumsa 45 - sweet  icuma45 sugar price list for year 2019-----1) - c.i.f. aswp except china----quantity- spot-                           contrat x 12 months----12, 500 mt $ 325 usd                          $ 295 usd----25, 000 mt $ 315 usd                          $ 280 usd----50, 000 mt $ 305 usd
STATUT NON DEFINISelling  N°352547:   13/02/2019 20:20:42
icuma45 sugar price list for year 2019:

1) c.i.f. aswp except china

quantity: spot: contrat x 12 months

12,500 mt $ 325 usd $ 295 usd

25,000 mt $ 315 usd $ 280 usd

50,000 mt $ 305 usd $ 270 usd

100,000 mt $ 295 usd $ 260 usd


polarization: at 20° c 99.80% minimum

ash content: 0.04 % by dry weight

solubility: 100% dry and free flowing

colour: crystal sparkling white. maximun 45 icumsa

attenuation index: icumsa maximun 45 (brazil scale) attenuation index units (icumsa methode no

# 4 1978).

radiation: as per international standards, without any cesium or iodine (certificate)

granulation: fine to medium

magnetic particles; mg/kg 4 max

ash by electrical conductivity: 0.04% max. [on dry basis]

so2: mg/kg 20 max

sediments: none

reducing sugar: 0.05% max by weight

hpn graph aureus: nil

maximum as: 1 p.p.m.

maximum ps: 2 p.p.m.

maximumcu: 3 p.p.m.

substance: solid crystal

poisonous: phytosanitary certificate of no radiation, no virus, no insect parts, no poisonous matter and

non genetic, fit for human consumption

crop: 2017 or later


1. buyer returns the fco signed and sealed, accepting price and sale terms;

2. seller issues draft contract;

3. buyer reviews, signs and returns the contract to the seller dully,

signed and


4. the seller signs the contract and returns to the buyer;

5. buyer and seller deposit a copy of the signed contract to their

respective bank;

6. buyer opens sblc as chosen in the terms above to the bank of the


institution that the seller will indicate in the contract from a top 50

bank. if the

buyer’s bank is not a top 50 bank the confirming bank needs to be

guarantor as


7. buyer’s bank sends pof (proof of funds) to seller’s bank;

8. seller’s bank sends pop (proof of product) to buyer’s bank;

9. 30 days maximum after the confirmation of the sblc seller starts

loading of the


10. buyer issues mt103/tt 48 hours after receiving
Tariff conditions : 550 $ cif la tonne
Packaging : CIF sur un contrat de 24mois
Quantity : 100MT par mois CIF sur un contrat de 24 mois
Cost : 550 $ cif la tonne
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l'annonceur declare pouvoir fournir sur demande:
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  Monsieur, Nous venons, par cette présente, solliciter, un agrément dans le cadre de nos activités. Notre Entreprise AGENCY SENEGAL, (nous sommes dotés de moyens de productions adéquats) intervient dans plusieurs domaines, notamment :  CONSTRUCTION BATIMAT –MULTISERVICES – COMMERCE GENERAL  IMPORT EXPORT  CONSULTANCE FINANCIER ET JURIDIQUE  PRESTATION DE SERVICES  MANAGEMENT  RECRUTEMENT  COMMUNICATION  DOMAINES : AGRO ALIMENTAIRE, INDUSTRIEL, IMMOBILIER, TOURISTIQUE, EVENEMENTIEL ET RESOURCES RENOUVELABLES. L’expérience acquise dans ces différents secteurs depuis plusieurs années, constitue un gage pour la réussite de l’ensemble de nos opérations menées. Notre but, de vous fidéliser, s’appuie sur le respect des engagements pris. Tout en souhaitant votre sollicitude dans l’exploitation de cette demande, nous vous prions d’agréer, Monsieur le MINISTRE DE L’INTERIEUR, l’expression de nos sentiments les meilleurs. LE RESPONSABLE
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Don t send money for example by western union, but use the service of your bank.
Work with your banks, and ask them to secure your transaction Use the services of an official forwarder you know
Check that all the documents received from your contact are not false.N do not hesitate to contact the company directly on its official telephone number to check this information.
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