Buying N°216424:
05/11/2015 14:45:19
I am looking for minimum 50 tons per year of Champignons (probably 75 to 100 tons)….as soon as possible !
Description = Whole champignons white up to white yellow colour, taste lightly acid and salty and smell according it.
Products are in colourless brine.
Diameter of head approximately 2,5 cm.
Type = Marinade champignons whole without legs for direct consummation, further processing
Ingredients = Champignons, water, salt, vinegar acid, ascorbic acid
Packing = Packed in PL buckets/barrels of 20l or similar, clean, ninthly stuck on pallet and protected by starch/packaging foil.
Analyse done by external accredited laboratory
Important = Producer quality standard certificates minimum = HACCP i ISO 9001:2008
Restrictions : EAST EUROPE
Quantity : 50 TONS
Trader Francais International implante dans les pays de l Est pour trouver , acheter et vendre en Europe et au Canada des produits locaux …et parallèlement importer des produits occidentaux dans les Balkans
country: Serbia
Type activity: Agent